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"Uwah, are you sure we should be talking about that?" Matsu looked around vigorously to make sure no one was around.

"We're alone right now. No one's going to bother us." Misei stood strong against their efforts of beating around the bush. "And besides, when else will we have an opportunity to talk about this?"

"True." Erina relented. "But, is this really the best time? When he's hurt?"

"I already said he isn't injured." She argued. "And we can just talk on the way." Misei ushered them to walk with her, taking a rather scenic route to the nurse's office. "So, I assume we're all going for similar reasons." She started.

"I just wanted to make sure he's okay." Erina responded, she kept picking at her hands to stay occupied.

"Why?" Misei questioned her. "Why do you continue to deny your feelings? It's the complete opposite with Yogi."

"I'm... I'm not denying anything. I like Yogi, not Arata, after all."

"Hmm? You also like Aono?" This was news to Matsu. "But you kissed Arata?"

"Yes, along with myself." Misei said. "But I also still have feelings for Yogi."

"So that's how it is." Matsu clenched her fists. "Then, how come you both want him?" She was getting upset, gritting her teeth. "I only like Arata, I've always liked him. So why are you both butting in?"

"I'm sorry." Misei apologized. "But the reality is that you can't really control your feelings."

"I already said that..." Erina would continue to deny it to them. Conflicted over the decision she made that day.

"It's not fair." Matsu wasn't expecting any competition with any of them. After all, both these girls were popular with boys. So would Arata prefer them over her? Should she have confessed earlier, or would that have been too soon? "You already have Aono, so why can't you both stick with him?" She said in frustration, pouting.

"It's just how life is." Misei answered. "And besides, that's not how it works anyway." Admittedly, she didn't know how love worked. Only what she could feel when she was with those boys.

Now they had reached the nurse's office. The nurse quietly sent them to Arata's bed, where he was resting. Very little sound came from him. Other than the very light breathing he was making.

"So that's his sleeping face." Misei commented, as she ran her hands through his hair. He didn't react to her, showing he was really out cold.

"Arata, when will you wake up?" Erina asked, as if he could respond. Holding onto his hand, checking his pulse.

"I already told you, he's just tired. Why do you continue to act as if he is severely hurt?"

"Yes, he's passed out from exhaustion." Nurse Mino informed them. "But this is not the first time he's been here due to medical reasons." The first time was when he hit his head with that hammer. It nearly gave him a concussion, and he was lucky to avoid real injury from that incident. "I'm concerned about his health if he gets unlucky again."

"..." There wasn't any response to that statement, other than the hope that he wouldn't get hurt again.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you all worried." The nurse put her hands up nervously. "I'm sure he'll be okay. So you can all rest easy on that." She left them, so that she could attend her other jobs. Meanwhile, they all looked intently at him.

"I can't take it!" Matsu rushed up to him, shaking him violently. "Why won't you wake up?!" This display was of a ridiculous nature.

"Kusano, please don't disturb him!" It took both her and Erina to rip her from his sleeping body. Which somehow didn't react to her actions. "I know you're worried, but that's only going to hurt him more than help." She scolded the girl.

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