Chapter 1

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"All passengers, please be ready to land." I was waken by the pilot telling me to put my seat belt on.

After landing on my private jet, I was bombarded with paparazzi screaming things at me.

"Hey Sierra!"

"How's Tam?"

"Why are you in New York?"

"Is it to film Enchanted?"

I was the lead in a new movie musical called Enchanted. My co star, whom I fall in love with in the movie, is Tam Mutu.

I hate him. He's snotty, bitchy, is a man whore. But our managers think it would be good for both of us if we went out. So now the public thinks we're going out. I hate him.

I throw my sunglasses on and get in my car, my driver taking off. "Ugh, thank you." I moan, sitting back.

I stare out the window and marvel at the beautiful skyline of New York.

I roll my eyes as we pass a strip of theaters for Broadway shows. Broadway is the stupidest thing ever. Ugh.

We arrive at my new apartment, and I'm attacked by fans screaming and paparazzi. I push through everyone and get upstairs.

When I get in, I immediately get a call from my other costar Idina Menzel. "Hey girl, wanna come over after I take a shower?" I ask, wanting to hang with someone.

"Yes, and get dressed in something nice because I'm taking you out somewhere. To see a Broadway show!" She cheers, making me groan as a bell boy brings all my luggage into my room. I thank him, tip him, and then start stripping for my shower.

"I hate broadway, and you know that."

"Oh yes, I know that very well. But Broadway is what got me out to the public and you must love it as much as me. I'm coming now." Idina said, hanging up.

I took a quick shower and threw on a tight, strapless dress. I put on heels and had just finished hair and makeup when Idina arrived.

"You look hot, girly. Let's go." She pulled me out, and through the paparazzi.

I hate paps.

"Ew, Les Miz is one of the worst shows." I groan loudly.

The show was torture. I tried to pay attention, but I couldn't get past the fact that they sang so much!

"Come on, you're not off the hook yet. We're meeting the cast." Idina cheered, pulling me behind the stage.

The entire cast was in the Wardrobe Village, whatever that was, and hugged Idina when we arrived. "Hey guys, it's so good to see you. This is my costar for Enchanted, Sierra Boggess." I smiled, waving slightly.

I locked eyes with a man sitting in front of me. "Sierra!" I hadn't realized I was staring at him, and completely zoned out. Idina clapped her hands in front of my face. "Francis is calling you." Francis is our director.

"Hey Sierra, did you get to your apartment?" He asked, and I heard rustling behind him. I knew what that meant.

"Yes, and Idina has already taken me to see Les Miz." I noticed that everyone was watching me in the middle of my conversation. "Do you need me?"

"Yes, I need you at the outside of the Imperial theater right now. I'm there, we're starting filming today. Now, hurry up." He hung up, and I groaned.

"Uh," I started to everyone, "I have to go start shooting." I looked down at the man again, and blushed. "Idina, let's go." I dragged her out, and met with Francis in the front of the theater.

He pulled me into a trailer and I was put into hair and makeup. After that, I was thrown into my huge hoop skirt princess dress.

"Ok, so the hobo is going to steal your tiara and then you'll run down the street, say your line, and then it'll start raining. Get flustered when that happens. Go!" Francis calls, and I get into character.

I sit down and say my lines with the hobo man, and then he takes off my tiara. I gasp loudly, and try to follow him, but stand up and try over my dress.

I tumble over, bursting into laughter. "Sorry!" I called.

As I stood, I noticed that Idina had rounded everyone from the Les Miz cast to watch me.

We did the scene many more times before they started making it rain. The rain was nice and cool in the summer heat, but I pretended to hate it.

We finished all the scenes, and as I approached Idina with the Les Miz cast, I said, "god, if I don't get out of this dress I'm gonna pass out! This is so heavy!" They all laughed, but I was more then serious.

I changed into sweats and got to go to my new apartment.

That man stuck in my head. His was so handsome, and I think he liked me too. But I didn't even know his name.

I guess I'll just ask Idina tomorrow.

Hey everyone! Thank you for reading the first chapter!

I just wanted to write a quick authors note saying this; I need the help of my readers. I need ideas for a new fanfic. I believe that I've done every scenario in existence. I can't think of any other plot situations! Please help! Comment what you want to see me write about! And comment what you thought about the chapter!

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