Chapter 20

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Praying for a snow day tomorrow or Tuesday.... PRAY WITH ME!!!

"Miss, miss, please wake up," the doctor said, and I jolted awake, causing Ramin to jump awake as well.

"What? What happened?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"Sir, your son is awake. You may go in now." Ramin jumped up, pulling me up with him.

"Please come in with me." Ramin begged, holding onto my hands tightly.

"Of course." I whispered, and he pulled me into the room.

The lights were off, but on the darkness, I could see Hadley curled up in bed. Ramin's shoe squeaked on the floor, causing Hadley to jump. "Daddy?" His voice was small.

"Hey Hadley." He whispered, sitting on the chair next to his bed, grabbing his hand.

"My head hurts," he mumbled, curling up against his hand. My heart broke and my eyes filled with tears.

"Well that's because you hit your head, buddy," he teased, stroking his head lightly.

"Daddy, are you okay? You were in the car too." He said gently, closing his eyes.

"I'm perfectly fine. Are you okay?" He said, turning attention back to Hadley.

"I don't like the doctors. They hurt when they do stuff, I don't like it. Don't leave me alone again, please." He begged, a tear slipping out of his eyes as he opened them.

"I won't. I promise." Ramin said, and glanced at me.

"Sierra?" Hadley whispered, looking up at me.

"Hi sweetie." I cooed, kneeling beside Ramin.

"You came." He said, a sweet smile showing up on his face.

"I came the second I heard about you." I said sweetly.

"But I thought you had to film a movie?"

"I'd rather be with you then film a movie." I sighed, kissing his head gently, "do you need anything?"

"I'm kinda hungry." He shrugged, and Ramin helped him sit up.

"I've got that covered." I grinned, running outside to where our stuff was and I grabbed the bag of food. Untouched. "Really Ramin?" I whispered to myself.

I was shaking my head as I walked back in, and Ramin shot me a frantic glance. He knew I had caught him. "Chocolate milk and Mac and cheese. I've heard it's your favorite." I sat next to Ramin, "and I'll yell at you later."

"Thank you Sierra." Hadley grinned, digging into his food.

"Do you want us to leave you be so you can eat?" Ramin asked, not letting go of his sons hand, which made it slightly hard for him to eat.

"No!" Hadley shrieked, dropping his food and hugging Ramin's arm, "don't leave me, please,"

"Ok, we won't leave. Just eat up." Ramin said, kissing his head as he started eating again.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked at it to see my manager was calling me. "Time to get screamed at. Sweetie, I'll be right back." I told Hadley, running outside to answer my phone. "Hello?"

"What's the deal, Sierra. You missed your plane yesterday, a photoshoot, and an interview in Australia. Where the hell are you?!" She screamed, and I had to resist the urge to laugh.

"I'm at the hospital." I said shortly.

"Jesus, what did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything. Ramin's son got in a car crash and has a severe concussion." I explained, not bothering to sit on the couch any longer.

"And that's your problem, why?"

"Because I'm in love with Ramin and his boys and I'm not about to abandon them. If you have a problem with my relationship with them then just say the words and hang up." I snapped, rolling my eyes.

"I quit." She growled, hanging up.

I shrugged, walking back into Hadley's room. "Now I'm manager-less. I could care less."

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