Chapter 31

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I'm sad. I can sing the beginning of Fly, Fly Away, but not the bridge. And if you sing the bridge in the wrong key, it's sounds so wrong and bad. And sorry I don't post yesterday. I clicked the publish button but I guess it didn't.

"Sierra Boggess," someone said and I took a deep breath, standing.

I walked into the room for my Phantom audition, and all my nerves floated away. They all looked so nice. "Hi, I'm Sierra Boggess. I'm auditioning for Christine Daae." I said sweetly, and everyone actually looked excited to hear my audition. It was a little weird.

I started singing my song, and they looked shocked. "I'll be honest, I was not expecting you to be that amazing, Mrs. Boggess," I took a good look at the mans face. Oh my god. Andrew Lloyd Webber just called my voice amazing!

"Thank you," I managed to choke out.

"Take this," he gave me a small section of the script. I looked at it to see that it was was certain parts in Twisted Every Way, "learn it and come back tomorrow, same time, for your callback. Thank you for auditioning."

"Thank you," I said quickly before bouncing out.

When I bounced into the apartment, I froze. Ramin, Will, Andrew, Sam, Nikki, Kaela, and Chris were all in the living room. "Hey Sie." Ramin said, then saw the script, "what's that?"

"Nothing!" I shouted, dashing into the bedroom. I hid the script in a place Ramin would never find it, and then jumped into the shower.

When I came out, Ramin was waiting on the bed. "Everyone left?" I asked, pulling pajamas out of the drawer.

"Ya, a little while ago. I've been waiting for you." He smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

"So what should we do?" I asked, pulling my clothes on.

"Well, I have some ideas-" Ramin teased.

"Shut up." I jumped on the bed next to him, but whispered in his ear, "later," I giggled, sitting back and crossing my legs under me.

"Let's have a heart to heart," Ramin said, smirking.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" I asked, hoping it wasn't bad.

"What was in your hands when you walked in before?" He said, pulling my hands toward him and I fell next to him.

"Hmm, you'll find out later."

"Everything is later to you," Ramin teased, leaning into kiss me.

I tried to pull away after a while, but he pulled me into his lap. He pulled my shirt off, his hands rubbing against my arm with faded bruises. As more of our our clothes were pulled off, Ramin pulled away from my lips. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course," I said breathlessly.

"If you want me to stop, just say so," I nodded, pulling him down to meet my lips.


My callback went amazingly the next day, and they said I was beautiful.

I bounced all the way from the Majestic to the Imperial, kissing Ramin hard when I saw him. "Who's, what's got you in such a good mood?" He asked, setting me onto the floor.

"Everything!" I shouted, a dreamy look in my eyes, "oh, Idina came back today. I'm gonna go say hi in a little bit." I said, kissing his cheek and skipping out.

After a while of being at Idina's with her, Taye, and Walker, I headed home for dinner. The boys were sitting on the couch, already digging into their Chinese. "You're food is on the table." Ramin said, gesturing next to me.

It was nice to sit with the boys and relax for a while.

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