Chapter 54

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Yeah, so I messed up on the chapter count. This is 3 CHAPTERS LEFT!

Now seven and half months pregnant, we had been living in the house for a month. It was in the perfect spot.

The boys go to the same school. It's only a few blocks away from the old apartment. And it's close to the Imperial, but not as close as my old apartment.

Ramin and I, with the help of Hadley, Rosalie, and Idina, had finished the nursery for the baby. It looked amazing, and I couldn't wait for my baby to be here, in my arms.

Idina waltzed in the house, hugging Hadley and Jaiden. Walker was in her arms, who squirmed around quite a bit. She put him on the floor and he started crawling around.

She gave me a hug, and we sat on the couch and she smiled, "ready for the baby?"

"Of course. I just want it out. The doctor said that anywhere between eight months and my due date that my water could break,"

"So this is the last two weeks of your freedom?" She asked, picking up Walker.

"Pretty much," I shrugged, sitting back and putting a hand on my huge stomach.

"I just wanted to say hi. I have a show tonight, love you, bye. Call me if anything happens," Idina waved goodbye and left the house. I looked around at my new beautiful house, sighing loudly.

Idina had been honored with a musical written just for her, called If/Then. I was dying to see it, but I probably was going to be a long time before that happened.

"Sierra," Ramin called, and I slightly turned my head. He plopped next to me, kissing my stomach in various different places, "my little Karina or Gabe," he cooed, then reached up to plant a soft kiss on my lips. "Do you need anything?"

"I would like a nap," I mumbled, my eyelids feeling heavy.

Ramin helped me up the stairs, an ongoing problem for me, and into bed. I fell asleep instantly.

The next month passed quickly, and I was on edge at every second. My water could break at any moment, but I was trying to act as if it were a regular day. But that was incredibly hard considering my gigantic stomach.

Many people came by to check in, whether it be on me or the house. Mostly Broadway people, and Summer and Allegra. Ramin and I's parents were coming when I go into labour.

As Ramin, the boys, and I lounge on the couch one day, their was a sharp knock on the door. Ramin jogged over, throwing open the door.

On the other side was a sobbing Rosalie, and she ran over to me. Ramin ushered the boys out, and then left himself.

"What happened?" I asked softly, and she sat beside me.

"Sierra, promise you won't go insane," I urged her on, "I'm pregnant,"

"Who's the baby daddy?" I gasped, my hands on my stomach. This will be Rosalie in a while.

"Who do you think?" Rosalie snapped, and I gasped again.

"Hadley?" I whispered, my head going light.

"Yes!" She sobbed, burying her head in the couch pillows.

"What are you gonna do?" I cooed, brushing her hair back.

"I don't know," she let off a small shrug.

"Just," I sighed, shaking my head, "stay in the guest room tonight. We'll talk tomorrow, because I'm really tired and it's 10. Ramin!" I shouted, and he came back, helping me up the stairs.

Rosalie went to the guest room, and I got into bed with Ramin. We curled up together, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"What happened with Rosy?" He asked softly, stroking my hair.

"She's pregnant, and it's Hadley's,"

"But-" he started, but I cut him off.

"Can we talk tomorrow morning? I'm really tired, and I don't feel amazing," I just not realized the gurgling in my stomach.

"Ok, anything for you, my love," he kissed my head, and shut off the light, "goodnight,"

"Goodnight. I love you,"

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