Chapter 22

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I only had to walk two blocks with Hadley before we got to the Imperial. "We're here sweetie." I cooed, pushing open the stage door.

"But my head still hurts." He mumbled, nuzzling his head in my neck.

"I know baby, I know. Let's go find daddy." I said, finding my way to Ramin's dressing room. "Ramin," I said softly, knocking on the door.

"Come in!" He shouted, and I pushed open the door.

"You have a visitor," I said, and Ramin's face lit up.

"Hey buddy." He grabbed Hadley from me, hugging him, "how ya feeling?"

"My head hurts." He mumbled, clutching his dad.

"Well that's just because you haven't been outside in three weeks. Just lay down and relax, okay? You can stay here and sleep during the show." Ramin cooed, laying him down on his couch.

"Ramin, I can take him home-" I protested.

"Sleep, Hadley." He kissed his forehead before pulling me outside. "Sierra, go home. Relax. You look exhausted. You haven't had a break in three weeks."

"Neither have you." I said back, putting my arms around him.

"My relaxation was getting out of doing shows for two weeks. Mine is over. You haven't even started. Go home, please. Sleep, eat, shower, do whatever. Just, go." I wasn't convinced. "For me?" He begged, giving me puppy eyes.

"Ugh, fine. You're lucky I love you."

"I love you too." He grinned, and I kissed him before running out.

When I got back to my new apartment, I fell backwards on the bed. I closed my eyes, looking forward to getting a good nap.

I slept for hours before waking up, and wen I woke up, it was 7am. I slept through the afternoon and through the whole night?

I sat up, yawning, trying not to wake Ramin. Jaiden appeared at the door, "Sierra, can you take me to school?"

"Ya, I'll be out in a few minutes." I mumbled, and he bounced away.

I stood up, putting my shoes on. I ran over to Ramin side of the bed, kissing his temple. He started to stir and get up, but I held him back. "Ram, I'll take him. I'll be right back."

"Thank you." He mumbled, rolling onto his stomach.

I smiled at him, shaking my head and grabbing Jaiden.

As we rode in the car, it was silent, until Jaiden spoke up. "Sierra?"


"Are you and dad gonna get married?" He blurt out.

"What? Where did you get that from?" I asked, extremely shocked.

"I don't know." He said, sounding embarrassed, "just forget I brought it up." He said, looking out the window.

"No, Jaiden it's okay." I encouraged, wanting to know what he was thinking in his mind.

"I just heard Andrew Kober talking about getting married, and I just thought of you and dad." I barely heard the last part of his sentence, hung up on the Andrew Kober part.

"Andrew said that?!" I shouted, "he's gonna propose to Summer!"

"I don't know." He said, trying to look innocent.

"Oh no. This can not happen yet. He's gotta meet the family. And so does your dad." I groaned, pulling up to his school. "We'll keep talking later. Have fun at school."

"Fun? Sierra, it's school." He said, giving me a weird look from the back seat.

"Ya, ya, you know what I mean. Get out." I watched as he ran out and into school, waving to me before he disappeared.

I drove home, my mind swimming with thoughts. Did I want to get married? Did Ramin? And Andrew and Summer getting married? They've been dating for less then Ramin and I. Ugh, now I was confused.

This was taking over all my thoughts, and soon I found that I was so distracted and it was all I was thinking about.

I was with Ramin in his dressing room, Sam, Chris, Andy, Will, Kaela, and Melissa were all there too, and I wasn't listening.

Just staring down at my hands, only one word played back and forth, up and down, in my mind.


"Sierra?" I heard from beside me, and ignored it at first. "Sierra?"

"I have to go. I have a photoshoot." I mumbled, standing up and grabbing my bag.

"Sierra, wait," Ramin caught me right outside his room. "What's wrong? You've been acting weird ever since you took Jaiden to school this morning." I refused to look him in the eye.

"I know. But Ramin, I really have to go." I harshly pulled away from his grasp on my wrist and stomped out of the Imperial, holding back tears.

"Hey Sierra!"

"How's Ramin?"

"Where's Tam?"

"Did he really rape you?"

All different people were shouting things at me, and I was getting too overwhelmed. "Tam is in jail!" I screamed at the paparazzi, "and yes he did rape me! Now leave me alone!"

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