Chapter 4

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So I've started the sequel, and it's another plot that will give you feels. I won't say anything else. Enjoy your daily chapter!

After a while of sitting on the couch, we stayed there until 3pm, Ramin told me he had to get to the theater. 3 was call time, so it didn't matter because I lived on the same block as the theater.

As soon as I closed the door and sat back down on the couch, another knock rang through the penthouse.

I groaned loudly, stomping over and opening the door. "Hello Sierra." Tam smirked, walking in my penthouse.

"You know, just because everyone things we're dating doesn't mean we have to hang out in real life." I spat, shutting the door.

"I know that, but I came here to tell you something." He took a loud breath. "I really do love you Sierra, and I would love it if you would go out with me."

"Tam," I sighed, placing my glass of water on the kitchen counter. "If you haven't noticed, I hate you." I spat again.

I turned my back, for a few minutes, loading the used dishes into the sink. When I turned back around, Tam was standing there with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

When I picked up my water, I notice it looked a little bit cloudy, but ignored it. I chugged the rest of the water before Tam started talking again, throwing out the usual threats, but just worse.

"If you break up with me, I will bash your reputation. I will kill everyone you know, watch out." He stormed toward me, and I cowered back, suddenly becoming scared him. "It's in your best interest to stay with me, you little slut."

His hand struck my cheek and I fell to the floor, tears streaming down my face. He slapped me! He really did.

"Get out!" I screamed, pushing him out the door.

I slid down the floor until I was sitting, and sobbed into my hands. He threatened to kill my family, and then slapped me. The nerve of that bitch!

I jumped up, grabbing my phone from my bedroom. I started to feel dizzy and my vision was cloudy.

I stopped to look at my cheek in the mirror. It was red and had a visible hand print.

I ran out of my apartment, needing to see Ramin for comfort.

As I ran down several flights of stairs, I became even more dizzy and nauseous. I felt like I was gonna pass out.

I was faced by loads of paparazzi hounding me, clearly hearing Tam and I screaming at each other. I stopped in my tracks, being blinded by flashing lights.

The lights made my impending headache so much worse, and I almost fell down the two stairs I had to walk down to get to the street.

The paps wouldn't leave me alone, and it made me feel so much worse. What's wrong with me? Why do I feel so gross?

I had to stop. My head was pounding, I felt like I was going to throw up, I thought I was gonna pass out.

The paparazzi formed a circle around me and wouldn't stop taking pictures.

As one last person shot a picture, the light blinded me.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I fell to the floor, blacking out.

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