Chapter 45

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"So, tell us the story of you and Ramin," Allegra said as all my bridesmaids, and my mom, were piled in the living room.

They had insisted on throwing me a bachelorette party the night before my wedding, even though I refused. So Ramin and the groomsmen went to Hadley's apartment, and we were in our apartment.

"Okay," I started, clutching a pillow, "so, Idina took me to see Les Miz, and then we met the cast. And I saw Ramin, and then we went on a couple dates, and then we fell in love."

Me, Polly, Idina, Rosalie, Summer, Allegra, and my mom all sat in the living room, watching The Notebook, along with other sappy romance movies I picked out.

We went to bed at around two am, and I lay in bed, too excited about getting married to fall asleep. My hand rested on my stomach, and I felt guilty that I hadn't told Ramin yet.

Maybe I would tell him tomorrow, at a special time. Maybe, just maybe.

So I eventually fell asleep, but woke up feeling different. I lugged myself out of bed and into the kitchen where my mom had made a huge breakfast. Eggs, bacon, hash browns, sausage, and every other breakfast food you could think of.

Everyone else was already up and eating. I smiled at them, "It's the bride!" Allegra shouted, giving me a hug. It felt weird against my stomach, but I ignored it.

I sat down and ate breakfast, making small talk with everyone about the wedding. We were getting ready here and then heading to Long Island to the venues.

I went off to get dressed in the bride shirt they had got me, and I gasped when I look in the mirror.

My stomach had a bump before and it was barely noticeable, but now was a bit bigger, and completely obvious. So now, when I put my dress on, it's gonna be obvious. I sighed, pulling a sweatshirt on.

I had to go out somewhere.

I pulled on jeans, my bride shirt, a sweater, boots, and put a beanie on my head before rushing out. "I have to go out somewhere. It might take like an hour, but I'll be back in time." I told everyone, and ran out to my car.

I drove over to Hadley's apartment, my hand on my stomach the whole time.

I knocked on his door, my hand covering my eyes. "Sierra?" Shervin asked, "what are you doing here?"

"I need to get Hadley. We have to do something." I said, tapping my foot against the floor, and I heard rustling.

"Then why are you covering your eyes?" He teased, trying to pull my hand away, but my eyes were closed.

"Because I don't want to see Ramin yet. Haven't you ever heard that it's bad luck to see the bride or groom before the wedding?" I spat, and Hadley pulled me away and the door shut.

"Sierra, what the hell are you doing?" He growled, and I pulled him to my car.

When we sat, I lifted up my shirt. "I want to go get another ultrasound. We'll be back in time." I mumbled, and drove away.

After a quick reassurance that me and the baby were fine, I took my picture and left, dropping Hadley off at his apartment.

When I got home, we were in full wedding mode. I was pushed into hair and makeup, because we were getting it done, and then we got ready for my dress.

"Dress time!" My mom chimed, pulling me into my bedroom.

I got nervous. What if it didn't fit because of my stomach? I think I would die.

I stepped in and pulled it up, sighing. My breathing hitched as my mom zipped up the dress, but stopped right where my stomach grew.

"Hmm, it's stuck. Summer, come try." Summer now came behind me and zipped me up, and got a little further, but then Idina took over.

She zipped it up all the way, and I sighed, my head resting against the wall in relief. "Let's see," my mom said, and I turned, taking a deep breath. "Oh, you look beautiful," I turned more to see myself in the mirror, and teared up.

I'm getting married to Ramin. It had finally dawned on me.

"I'm ready, let's go," I said, and we all grabbed the stuff we need.

On the way to the venue, I started texting Hadley.

S- how does Ramin feel?

H- perfectly fine, stop worrying

S- I'm gonna be his wife, I have no choice but to worry

H- that's sweet

S- shut up, is he okay

H- he's fine Sierra

S- good. tell him I love him

H- he say I love you too

S- good, I have I go now, at the venue

H- Ramin has high expectations for your dress

S- he'll be blown away. got to go

We stopped texting after that, and then I got nervous. My dress.

No doubt that Ramin would see my stomach. Of course, him being him, he'd just assume I had gained weight and shrug it off.

But I don't gain weight. And if I do, I workout until I loose it again. And I get nice and skinny again. It's not the healthiest thing, but my career is demanding.

Ramin would not pay attention, but he would know something is up. He knows that if I had gained weight before the wedding, I would have worked it off.

I have to tell him. Today.

But how? I can't tell him at the ceremony, no, not in front of everyone.

That leaves the reception. And I'm not sure how much alone time we'll have then. But I have to tell him. And it has to be special.

This is going to be harder then I thought.

You're Beautiful To Me... (Rierra fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα