Chapter 6

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50 more chapters to go guys! Thanks for putting up with me when I was such a crappy author and didn't post yesterday and keep forgetting until this time of night. Love you guys!

I was waken by my door opening, and my manager busting in. "Get up and get ready for a photo shoot."

"Really?" I moaned as she ripped the sheet off of me. "I got out of the hospital today. Tam drugged me. Can't I relax?"

"No. We have a schedule. Let's go!" She pulled me up, practically dragging my outside and into a car.

I moaned the entire time, in pain. "Oh, shut up. This is important, you're not bailing." I stayed silent for the rest of the ride.

When we arrived, I was whisked into hair and makeup. I slept through that, before being pulled into my wardrobe.

I stood for an hour in that same outfit, putting on a fake smile.

As I got my hair and makeup done again, Ramin called me. "Hey, where are you?"

"A photo shoot. My manager is the biggest dumbass ever." I groaned.

"I'm getting over there to give her a piece of my mind, and I'm bringing backup." He hung up before I could respond.

I groaned again, heading onto set. We took pictures for a while before I was whisked back to hair and makeup.

The cameraman came over to me, explaining what I would be doing for the next shot. He walked me back to set, and I saw Ramin yelling at my manager in the corner while a bunch of the Les Miz people talked and watched me pose. Eventually Ramin gave up and joined everyone.

Before modeling, I was told that I would practice my task first. I had to do all these things like swinging on a pole, ugh, balancing on one foot with my heels, and running while they catch me from behind.

"Lookin good Sierra!" Andrew and Chris screamed at the same time.

"Shut up!" I called back drowsily.

I did a whole bunch of the poses before I was allowed to rest for a half hour. I began walking over to the others when I was whisked away again.

"Change of plans," my photographer said, sitting me back in hair and makeup. "We're gonna do a swim wear shoot quickly and then you can break for an hour."

Makeup and hair was done quickly, and I was put into a bikini. I looked at myself in the mirror.

My makeup was done naturally, my hair in a curly ponytail. The swimsuit obviously showed off my thin stomach, which I had worked very hard to get and maintain it.

I was always told I wasn't enough. By fans, paparazzi, tabloids, my managers, and especially Tam. But he's out of my life.

"Come on Sierra!" I ran to set and waited to be told what to do.

I glanced over at the others, and Andrew whistled. "Now you look even better!" Ramin slapped him quickly, chuckling.

After a half hour of posing in the bikini, I was allowed my break. I threw on a silk rode and finally ran over to Ramin.

He wrapped his arm around me, kissing my head. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Like I might pass out soon, but I'll get over it." I shrugged.

"You should come to the show tonight." Sam suggested.

"Never." Everyone seemed to be offended, so I laughed, "it has nothing to do with you guys, but I hate Broadway."

They all gasped. "That has to change." Sam concluded loudly.

"Oh no," Ramin said, shaking his head, "I've tried many times before. Won't happen."

I was suddenly called back to the shoot. "What happened to an hour break?" I shouted back, and the photographer opened his mouth to answer, "ya, change of plans." I said for him, and I turned to everyone, "sorry. I have to go back."

A few more pictures were taken, with me in a new dress, before I got too sick to continue.

I almost fainted, and I had to sit immediately. Ramin almost ran over, but I stopped him.

"I can't-" I mumbled. Ramin walked over, as I threw my heels off and across the room.

I tried standing up, and as soon as I took one or two steps, I blacked out into Ramin's arms.

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