Chapter 43

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Glee and voice lessons are my day! And sorry for this chapter!

One month until wedding

Over the next month, Ramin's sickness worsened. Half the time, he claimed he was fine; and the other half, he stayed in bed all day.

Today, was not the latter day. He was bouncing around, happy as can be.

I felt his head when he woke up and he was boiling hot. He claimed he was fine, and got out of bed. And he's been sneezing, and his voice is hoarse.

"I'm gonna take the boys shopping while you're at your show," Ramin told me as I got ready to leave for my show.

"Ramin, I think you should stay home, and get some rest," I said, putting my hand on his arm.

"I feel fine, Sie. Don't worry," I felt his head again, and it was even hotter then this morning, but he insisted he was fine, so I left.

I prepared rather quickly for the show and the first half of the show went perfectly. I was clothed in my Masquerade dress, me, Polly, and Jeremy in Norms dressing room at intermission.

"Oh, my parents are here tonight. I'm not sure why, they've seen the show like, twenty times," Polly giggled.

"Ya, so has Ramin-" my phone buzzed in my hand, and it was an unknown number, "hold on," I said to everyone, "hello?"

"Hello, is this Sierra Boggess?"

"Yes it is, speaking?" My heart was beating fast. I could have sworn I hear sirens in the background.

"This is officer Williams from the nypd. I'm calling on behalf of your husband and children." She said, and I gasped.

"Why? What happened? Are they okay?" I stood, pacing the floor in nervousness.

"Well, you're children are. Your husband passed out in a store. He's in the hospital now and has a horrible case on pneumonia." I pressed my head against the wall, tears streaming down my face.

"Is he okay?" I whispered, sniffling.

"He's getting help. Your children are with me, at the hospital. You will be coming, right?" I began collecting my stuff from my dressing room, the others following.

"I'm leaving right now. Thank you for calling," I was sobbing now as I grabbed my bag, "I have to leave guys," I mumbled, trying to push past them.

"What happened?" Norm said, stopping me from leaving, "and we're doing a show now!"

"Ramin passed out and is in the hospital with pneumonia. I have to go get the boys and make sure he's fine. As for the show, I'm sorry. I can't change, theirs no time. I have to leave!" I shouted quickly, running out.

Attempting to sit in my dress was a challenge, but I quickly got over the uncomfortableness soon. I thought I had stopped crying, but I felt tears falling down my cheeks and neck.

I took off as much as I could from my costume to make myself to look less out of place and weird; which was my boots, a few things that clipped to the dress, the sash, and the stuff in my wig.

All that was left was a frilly pink dress, my Christine wig, and me barefoot. I pushed through paparazzi to get inside and screamed at the receptionist, again.

"He's on the fifth floor, room 246," she mumbled, either frightened by my yelling or my appearance. I could care less.

I ran up, but chose to take the elevator so I could calm my breathing rate. I rested my head against the wall, breathing heavily as tears fell to the floor.

The door dinged open and I sprinted out, running around aimlessly to find his room. Eventually, I got lost. "Excuse me," I said breathlessly to a nearby nurse, "where is room 246?"

"It's down this hall and to the right," she said, giving me a sweet smile, "oh, are you supposed to be Christine Daae?"

"I am, but I have to go," I shouted behind my shoulder as I ran away.

As I turned to the correct hall, I was stopped by the police officer. "Excuse me, are you Sierra Boggess?"

"Yes I am, where are the boys? And where's Ramin?" I asked frantically.

"Your husband," I hadn't realized she kept calling him that, but I could get used to it, "is in his room. Your children are right there." Just as I was about to leave, she stopped me, "the older boy, Jaiden, he's very brave. When your husband passed out, he pulled out his phone and called 911. He knew just what to do." I nodded at her before running off.

"Mommy!" The boys shrieked, running and wrapping their arms around me.

"It was so scary," Hadley cried, and I pulled them over to a big couch and sat down.

"Daddy just fell, and he wouldn't wake up," Jaiden sobbed, and I pulled their heads away from my shoulders.

"But, as I've heard, you were very brave, Jaiden. You helped Hadley and called the police. I'm very proud of you," I wiped away their tears and kissed their heads. "It's late, do you want me to bring you home?"

"But daddy-"

"I'll stay here and call Hadley and Rosalie to watch you, okay? I promise you can come back and visit him tomorrow," I said, and they curled up on either side of me. I called Hadley and Rosalie and they said they would come pick the boys up, with a change of clothes for me.

Eventually, they showed up and took the boys away. They brought me a bag full of stuff I would need, but I just put it next to me and stood in front of Ramin's hospital room.

Their was a huge window, but the blinds were closed. "Excuse me," someone tapped my shoulder, "are you his wife?" The doctor asked me, and I shook my head. "You may see him. But only for a little, he is very sick. He may not be able to have visitors soon." I nodded, bursting through the door.

Ramin was hooked up to a bunch of machines pumping medicine into him, but what scared me was the clear tubes going into his nose that meant his lungs needed help. And that's never a good thing.

His eyes were closed and he was breathing through his mouth, beads of sweat pouring down his head, though he was shivering.

I sat in the chair beside his bed, grabbing his hand and pressing my lips to it softly, many times.

"Sierra," he coughed out, "wha-"

"You passed out, Ramin. You have pneumonia. You're in the hospital," I explained softly.

"Hmm," he hummed, tossing back and forth in his bed, "my head hurts,"

"I'll tell the nurse," I got up, rubbing my eyes, but he didn't let go of my hand.

"No, stay, please," I sat back down, and he coughed, "how are the boys?"

"Scared, just about you passing out. They're at home now, I told them to sleep."

"Good. They should be sleeping," he mumbled, "I'm sorry Sierra, you were right. I should have stayed home."

"This isn't the time to apologize. All you need to worry about is getting ready for the wedding next month," I kissed his hand again, and he yawned, "get some rest," I kissed his head and walked out, stealing one last glance.

I sat down on the couch, twirling my wig on my fingers. This was going to be a long night.

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