Chapter 12

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"Babe, I have to go pick up the kids." Ramin told me, grabbing his keys.

"Oh, do you want me to stay, or go?" I asked, collecting my clothes from his apartment.

"Uh, no offense, but I think you should go. Just until I tell the boys about you, and they I'll let you meet them." He said, trying not to hurt me.

I nodded, kissing him softly before skipping out and back to my apartment. I couldn't get Ramin off my mind. Well, not him, his kids.

Would they accept me? Like me? Want me in their and Ramin's lives?

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang, and Andrew's face popped up. "Hello?"

"Hey, come to the theater." He said quickly, then hung up.

I made myself look presentable before pushing through paparazzi and to the theater.

"Hey Sierra!"

"How was your make out session with Ramin?" One shouted out, and I stopped walking.

"What did you say?" He threw a magazine at me and I gasped. It was a security camera picture of Ramin and I, that night we had sex. The headline was crazy, saying something about me cheating on Tam with Ramin, "it's bullshit. I hate Tam, and I always did."

When I entered the theater, Andrew and Chris waved me over to them. "Hey- what's that?" Chris asked, snatching the magazine from my hand. "Ohhh, I knew you had sex!"

"Ugh, shut up. What do you want?" I asked, groaning and rolled my eyes.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Andrew asked, giving the magazine back.

"He's picking up his kids from the airport. I have to go." I said, running away.

But, as I turned around, I ran into someone. "God, I'm so sorry- Summer!" I shrieked, throwing my arms around my sister whom I haven't seen in over a year. "What are you doing here?"

"I play cello in the pit, you know that. What are you doing here?" She asked, still holding me.

"I live down the block-"

"And she's dating Ramin!" Chris shouted from behind me.

"Ya, I'm dating Ramin." I blushed, pulling away from Summer. "We have to hang out."

"Ok, your apartment, glee, tomorrow, 4pm. Just us. I'll be there, I have to go though. I'll call you tomorrow morning. Bye, love you!" She waved goodbye, but turned back to me and giggled, "and I saw the magazine."

The rest of the night and half the day passed quickly, and soon, Summer and I were on the couch.

Bundled in blankets, pillows around us, ice cream in our hands, hot chocolate on the coffee table, season 2 of glee on the tv, Summer and I were in heaven.

We stayed up the entire night, and at 6am, Summer finally spoke up. "So what's the deal with you and Ramin?"

"I don't know, we love each other." I said dreamily, smiling, "oh Summer, he might be the one."

"The one? Really? You think so?" She asked, sounding hopeful.

"Ya, he just makes me so happy. I love being around him."

"And he's pretty hot." Summer said, and I giggled.

"Oh my god yes." I smirked, "and tell no one I said this, but he's a god in bed."

"Ok, I didn't need to know that. But I'm glad that he can, uh," she said awkwardly, "fulfill your sexual needs."

"Oh my god, stop talking, please!" I screamed, "what about you, got your eye on anyone?"

"Not sure," she blushed, "I think Andrew Kober is amazing."

"Andrew? Really? What do you see in him?" I asked, somewhat weirded out.

"He's hot, and he's got a great voice, and he's really nice to me. He always visits me in the pit." Something shone in her eyes.

"Oh, you're in love with him. I can see it in your eyes."

"Well, I guess we're both deeply in love."

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