Chapter 15

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After a night of dinner, cookie making, movie watching, and then falling asleep on the couch, it was amazing.

My eyelids fluttered open the next morning. I smiled down at Hadley, who had his head in my lap, and Jaiden curled up next to Ramin, and me curled up against him.

I looked up to see Ramin gazing down at me. "I guess they liked you." He whispered, gently pressing his lips against mine.

"I guess so," I whispered back, smiling, "it's a good thing because I was so nervous,"

"It doesn't matter if they didn't like, it's me that does. And I'm not planning on letting you go any time soon." He smirked at me, leaning in to kiss me again.

"Ew, daddy stop!" Hadley shrieked, sitting up.

"Ah, so you saw that, buddy?" He smirked, pulling him onto his lap as Jaiden woke up and say back.

"I saw a little too much." Jaiden snapped.

"Well, get used to it boys, because you'll be seeing a lot more of Sierra." I glanced at the time; 12:00.

"I don't want to kick you all out, but I have an audition to get ready for in a few hours." I said sadly, hugging them all goodbye.

All I did was shower, get dressed, and put my makeup on before going to the audition. I hated this show, Rent, and I didn't want to be in the movie.

As I sat, waiting to be called in, someone sat next to me. I looked over to see a eight month pregnant Idina. "Oh my god, what are you doing here?"

"They called me in. I'm in the movie. They tried to get the original cast, but the girls playing Mimi and Joann couldn't be in it." She explained, giving me a slight hug.

"How's the baby?"

"Almost out. I have two weeks left with this thing, I just want it out." Idina sighed, sitting back.

"Girl or boy?"

"Boy, I think we want to name him Walker." She grinned at me, as the person in front of me was called in. The other came out sobbing.

"I like that name." I smiled back, "I would love to have kids."

"Well, now, you technically do."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Ramin's kids."

"I know I have them now. I meant that I would love to a have kid that is my own flesh and blood." I sighed.

"Are you nervous?" Idina asked, changing the subject.

"Not really." I shrugged, just as I was called in.

The audition went amazing, and they told me I got the part. I didn't quite care.

I went home and lounged on the couch, before their was a knock on the door. Confused, I ran over and opened.

Hadley and Jaiden stand on the other side, smiling at me. When I opened the door, they jumped into my arms, squeezing me.

"Whoa, hey guys. What's up?" I asked, hugging them back.

"Dad said we could come over because we wanted to see you again!" Jaiden shouted, and I giggled.

"Glad to know you guys like me. Where is your dad?" I asked, dragging them to the couch.

"He'll be here soon. We kinda ditched him." Seconds later, he came sauntering in.

"Thank you for leaving me." He smirked, coming behind me and kissing my cheek, giving his boys a small slap to the head. I slapped his hand away.

"Hey, it's not my fault they love me so much." I teased, and they boys clung to me.

"Ya daddy." Hadley agreed.

"So Sie," Ramin said, wedging himself between Jaiden and myself, "how was the audition?"

"They told me I got the part, but I don't care. My manager is forcing me to do this." I shrugged, turning on the tv and leaving it on some random show Jaiden told me to leave on.

"Well, I'm not sure what to say to that, but, good job getting the part." He chuckled, kissing my head.

Just then, my manager called me. "I'll be back," I went into my bedroom and answered, "hello."

"Hello Sierra. I have details for Rent. First, filming is in Australia, and it starts in a week-"

"Whoa, stop talking. Australia?! I can't shoot all the way across the world!" I shouted into the phone.

"You can and you will. End of story. If you don't get on that plane, I'm not your manager anymore." She was just about to hang up.

"No, wait," I groaned, hating myself for doing this, "no, I'll do the movie. I just have to tell Ramin." A tear fell down my face and my heart broke at the thought of telling the boys I was leaving. And right after I met them. And now I'm completely in love with these boys.

"Good girl. I'll email you the details." She hung up.

Another tear fell down my face and I angrily wiped it away. I stomped into the living room, and Ramin looked up at me, his boys in his arms.

"They came to hang out with you and wound up falling asleep." He chuckled, but noticed me crying, "are you-"

"I'm fine. Come on, they can each sleep in a guest room." I picked up Hadley gently and put him in my guest room and Ramin put Jaiden in the other.

We sat in bed together, my head just resting on his chest. Ramin's hand ran through my hair, and he occasionally kissed my head.

I broke down in tears, but tried to stay silent, failing. I couldn't handle the fact that I was going to Australia for god knows how many months, without all my boys.

"Sierra, what's wrong?" He pulled me into his arms, holding me tight and close to him.

I couldn't answer, I was crying too hard. I never told him why. I fell asleep in his arms.

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