Chapter 36

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Voice lessons tonight!

"Oh my gosh, I didn't think you'd get this far back." Paige said, and my eyes softened.

"Paige!" I shrieked, and her eyes teared at my recognition of her.

"You remember me?" She said, a tear steaming down her face.

"How could I forget you?" I said, signing the playbill she had given to me, then took a picture with her again, "did you like the show?"

"It was amazing!" She yelled, a huge smile on her face.

Their was a moment of silence and she reached out to touch my hair. She sighed, her hand briefly touching her own bald head, but then but another smile. "Paige, I love you, but we have to go," her mom said, and Paige ran up and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you for being so kind to me," she whispered, and I hugged her back.

"Thank you for changing my life," I said, but she didn't hear me. "Bye," I waved goodbye as she climbed into the car with her mom and they sped away.

Ramin and I were approaching our waiting families at the end of the block, when I suddenly got an idea. Gasping loudly and turning to Ramin, he looked startled.

"I want to cut my hair." I said shortly.

"Okay, and?" He said, confused.

"No, I want to cut it off. Not all of it, just enough to make a wig. I want to give it to Paige," I said, sounding timid. I glanced up to see Ramin grinning at me.

"Sierra, that's amazing." He pulled me into a hug, spinning me around. I giggled, then pressed my lips to his, "come on, our families are waiting,"

He pulled me along, and I just then started to feel the pain in my knee come back. I ignored it, not wanting to make it a big deal.

We all walked to a nearby restaurant an got sat down quicker then I expected, considering the amount of people in our party.

We all ordered our food, and I took some Advil, and my mom started talking. "So have you guys talked about anything with the wedding yet?"

"No. I've been a little occupied with Phantom. That's probably something we should do." I told Ramin, and he nodded, grabbing my hand under the table.

"Eventually," Ramin said, sitting back in his chair.

"So, Sierra, tell us about yourself," Ramin's mom said.

"Ugh, mom, you're not doing this," Ramin groaned, and the boys laughed from where they were coloring their place mat.

"I would just like to know about my sons fiancé," she said, and I giggled.

"It's not a big deal. Uh, I'm not sure what to say. I'm from Colorado. I met Ramin when I saw Les Miz with my friend Idina. And I've been in a couple movies and tv shows," I said, not sure what else to say.

"And, as she's decided before, after stage dooring, she's going to cut her hair and make it into a wig, and then give it to a give with cancer she met in the hospital," Ramin said, kissing my cheek.

"That's so sweet!" Allegra gushed, giving me a sideways hug from beside me.

"You really did pick a good one, Ramin," his dad said, and I finally realized their acceptance.

"I know I did," he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards him, kissing my head.

Soon, our food was at the table and we all started eating. My manager started texting me about how great my performance was, but I quickly ignored it to not be rude to everyone else.

"How's your knee?" Ramin asked, his hand running over the exposed skin through my brace.

"It still hurts a little, but I took Advil," I shrugged.

"Oh ya, what happened? All I saw was Ramin carrying you out the door, and you sobbing." Shervin said, and Ramin kept rubbing my knee.

"We were rehearsing the overture and I fell and dislocated my knee cap. So Ramin and I went to the doctor and he punched it back in place, gave me painkillers, then I went on stage," I shrugged, and their jaws dropped.

"That's crazy. And you still went on stage and danced? That's amazing," I blushed, and we all finished our food eventually.

Our families went off to their hotels, and Ramin and I took the boys home.

I peeled off my dress, sighing as I did so. Standing in my bra, I rustled through my wardrobe in search of the fuzziest pajamas in there.

I felt hand on my hips, and Ramin's lips brushing the back of my neck, sending shivers up my spine. "Ramin," I moaned as his hand ran up my stomach to my chest, "as much as I'd love to continue this, I'm really tired,"

In response, he just picked me up and tucked me in bed. I laid my head on his chest, my finger tracing his abs, lips, nose, and mouth. "When do you want to get married?" I whispered, my fingers skimming across his chest.

"Not in Winter, or the Summer," he said.

"So fall or spring?" I said, giggling slightly.

"Fall," he decided, his finger twirling a piece of my hair.


"Because the trees will be beautiful colors. And it won't be too cold or hot," he mumbled, kissing my head repeatedly.

"That sounds nice, so in about six months?" I asked, my eyes closing slowly.

"Perfect." He cooed, and I felt Celie and Olivia curl up at my feet.

"I love you,"

"I love you too, my beautiful darling,"

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