Chapter 8

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As Ramin and I sat on the couch eating Chinese food, he got a call. "Hello? What? I don't have a show? Ugh, fine, I'll be there any second." He jumped up, grabbing his stuff.

"I'm sorry babe, I have to go." He gave me a quick kiss before running out of the door.

I slowly tread into my room. Only after two weeks and halfway through my bed rest, Ramin was finally allowing me to walk in my own.

I jumped in bed, curling up and falling asleep.

My door was thrown open, then slammed shut loudly. I had only been asleep for a mere two minutes.

I suddenly sat up, and felt myself being pulled to the edge of the bed. I hit the floor, crying out in pain.

Tam's evil face was in front of me, ripping my clothes off. He slapped me, spatting out, "this is what you get for trying to get me arrested."

And then he did it. He raped me. Right there on my own bed. I cried, I screamed, I begged for him to stop, but he didn't. It was torture, it was pain.

He left me there too, sobbing on my bed and in pain. I crumbled down to the floor, covering my face with my hands.

I instantly became angry. I ripped the sheets and blankets off my bed, screaming as I did so.

I went into the shower, turning the water on the hottest setting. I thought it would wash away the pain and heartaches, but it still remained.

I dried myself off, trying to scrub away the cuts and bruises that remained, with the towel. I groaned loudly, not able to produce any more tears.

I sat back on the floor, where I had been before. Now fully clothed, wearing a big sweatshirt and sweatpants, tears started to fall again.

I sobbed loudly, and I heard the door open, and I knew it was Tam, coming back to mess with me more. I let out a squeak of fear.

"Sierra? Where are you?" Ramin asked, and I let out another squeak.

When he entered, the first thing he saw was my shredded blankets and sheets, before finding me. "Oh my god, Sierra, what the hell happened?" He rushed over, lugging me into his arms. "Are you okay?" I shook my head, sob in uncontrollably.

"T-Tam. H-he r-ra-aped me." I stuttered out, getting cut off by my own sobs.

It was clear that Ramin was pissed, but I just sobbed into his shoulder. He didn't say anything, but he just rocked by back and forth, kissing my head.

I fell asleep. I wasn't sure how long I stayed in his arms, but I eventually felt him place me down on the couch, placing a blanket over me.

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