Chapter 32

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Heres a chapter a little early today! LA VIE BOHEME

The next day, as I lay in bed with Ramin while the kids are in bed, my phone rings. An unknown number. "Hello?"

"Hello, Mrs. Boggess, this is Andrew Lloyd Webber." My heart stopped.

"Oh, hi Andrew." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"My dear, would you do the honor of being Christine Daae in the production of Phantom of the Opera?" I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Yes, of course!" I shouted, bouncing around on the bed.

"That's just grand. I'll email you the details of rehearsals and opening dates." Andrew said.

"Yes, thank you so much." We said goodbyes and I hung up, completely shocked.

"Got the part?" Ramin asked, smirking at me.

"What? How-"

"Andrew called me after your audition and told me how amazing you were, and how lucky I was to have to, and that I picked very well," I blushed, and he kissed my forehead, "I'm proud of you, my darling." He pulled me into a hug, and I held onto him.

"It was supposed to be a surprise. I was gonna tell you when I found I got it, but I wasn't gonna tell you if I didn't get it." I mumbled into his shoulder as I clutched onto his shirt.

"I would've found out anyway."

"Why?" I asked, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Because you left your callback script on the couch yesterday when you fell asleep." He chuckled.

"Oops." I pulled away, just to be pulled towards his lips. We stayed like that for a while, until he finally pulled away.

"I'd love to continue this," he gestured to where my hand were pulling at his shirt, "but we have to go film to video."

"Ugh. Later, right?" I asked, pulling on my white sports bra and white spandex.

"Like always." Ramin smirked, I put sweats over my clothes.

As we climbed into the car, and Ramin took off. "Where are we filming?"

"Coincidently, at the Majestic." Ramin chuckled, and I grinned at him.

God, I loved that boy so much.

When we arrived, their were a bunch of people there. Hadley, the film crew, my dance teacher, and Andrew.

"I'm gonna need a little makeup on my stomach and legs." I said to Ramin, looking at the bruises that were almost gone. "Damn, I wish they would just go away." I mumbled, "just bring back the memories."

I stomped away from Ramin before he could say anything. I started talking with the director about just regular things, as I pulled my jazz shoes on.

I worked out some things with my teacher before we started. It took a whole bunch of takes to get the first verse done, because everyone, including me, kept messing up.

It took many hours before I finally got a break, and slumped down in a seat in between Ramin and Hadley. "I'm tired." I mumbled, my head resting on Ramin's shoulder. "But I could get used to this theater."

"Well, you better get used to it. You'll be here for a while." Andrew stood in front of me, and I jumped up. "Sierra, you're a beautiful dancer."

"Thank you so much." I wouldn't stayed to chat, but I was called back to continue filming.

And again, after many tries, we had done the chorus. And now for the bridge.

The crew pulled out the paint as my hair was let down and straightened and flattened. After my hair was dipped I started doing turns, and the paint was flying through the air. I almost felt bad because I was getting the theater all painted, but they must be fine with it if I'm filming here.

We kept my hair down for the rest of the video and we kept going from there. "Ok, we're good. Just run the whole dance one time through and then we're done."

I did the dance perfectly, and was relieved when I was told that I could go home.

As Ramin and I drove home, I realized something. "Christmas is next week!" I shrieked, sitting up.

Ramin had some sort of cocky grin on his face. "Ya, I know that. I've got it covered."

"You knew and didn't tell me?" I gasped, starting panic.

"It's Christmas, I didn't think I needed to remind you, though clearly I did. And you've been stressed with everything going on in your life now. It's okay you forgot." Ramin said as we arrived at the apartment.

We took a quick shower together before I ran out of the apartment to go shopping. I already knew what I was going to get everyone.

I shopped for hours on end and didn't get home until past ten. "You've been gone for a while." Ramin said as I jumped into bed.

"I know, but I got all my shopping done." I smiled, resting my head on his chest.

"That's good." We stayed silent for a while, just enjoying the silence.

"I love you, so much." Ramin came out and said.

"I love you too." I mumbled back, drifting off to sleep.

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