Chapter 11

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How is everyone today? I'm just delightful, so far!

I woke up blissfully next to Ramin, and curled up closer to him.

He leaned down to kiss my head and I smiled, my eyelids fluttering open. "Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning." I smiled, sitting up but keep the blanket covering myself.

"Sleep well?" He asked, putting his arms around me and pulling me closer.

"Perfect because you were next to me." I smiled, leaning in to kiss him.

We stayed in bed for a while before getting clothes, but only a little bit. Ramin stayed in his boxers, strolling around my apartment, and I just wore a tight shirt and underwear. Neither of us cared.

As we sat on the couch, Ramin got a call. Looking at his phone, he smiled. "I'll be right back." He went into my room, shutting the door behind him.

I sat on the couch for twenty minutes, when he finally sat next to me. "Who was that?" I asked quietly as I curled up beside him again.

"Just my kids." He shrugged, but I pushed myself away from him. "What, what's wrong?"

"Kids?!" I screamed, standing up and pacing around. "You have kids?! You never told me that."

"I could have sworn I did." Ramin shrugged. "What's the big deal anyway?"

"The big deal is that you never told me!" I screamed. "This is huge for me."

"Sie, I'm sorry." He tried putting his hands on my hips, but I pushed them away, "come on babe-"

"No, don't call me babe. I'm mad at you. Just, leave." He looked extremely hurt and insulted, but nevertheless, he slowly collected his things.

He slammed the door behind him, and I fell in the floor. I was confused.

I knew he was married, but, kids? I'm not capable of caring for kids. And how many? Two? Three? Boy? Girl?

My mind swirled with thoughts and it almost made me dizzy.

Last night was bliss, and then this had to happen. Ugh.

I quickly collected myself, throwing in sweats and putting my hair in a ponytail. I quickly pushed through paps and drove to Idinas apartment.

I banged on the door, and her six month pregnant self answered. "Sierra, what's wrong?"

"Ramin has kids!" I shrieked, and she pulled me inside.

"Ok, what happened?" She asked, sitting on the couch with me.

"Well," I blushed immediately, "last night, we uh, had sex." I said quickly, but she nodded like it was no big deal.

It was a big deal. I lost my virginity to him! Well, not counting when I got raped by Tam.

"And then this morning, his kids called him, and then he just said it." I shrugged, looking at the time. "You know what, I have to go. I have an interview."

That was a lie. I just needed to get out of there. It was a bad idea to come here anyway.

I ran back home, just to be swarmed by paparazzi. They screamed at me, but I just ignored them, like always.

As I sat in bed, in my fuzzy pajamas, I realized something. I had always wanted kids, so why was I so mad?

If things worked out, I would already had two kids. I guess it was just the initial shock getting to my head.

I sighed, knowing I was wrong for blowing up at Ramin.

I threw on uggs, rushing out the door and to where I knew Ramin's apartment was. I knocked in the door quietly, trying to stay calm.

He opened the door, looking slightly disheveled and tired. "Sierra? Why are you here?"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong at yell at you. I was just, confused, I guess." I shrugged, looking down at the floor.

I felt him grab my hips, pulling me inside and shutting the door. I immediately hugged him, curling up against his chest. "I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing." He told me, putting his hands on my cheeks and forcing me to look at him, "it's my fault I left, and it's my fault I didn't say something to you earlier."

I didn't respond, just held him tighter. Eventually, he lifted me into his arms and set me down on his bed. "Mm, comfy. I don't know why I haven't been here before." I said sarcastically, curling against him.

Their was a while of silence before I spoke up again, "I'd love to meet them, soon."

"Who?" Ramin asked, and I smiled softly.

"Your kids."

He smiled back at me, kissing my forehead, "of course. They're coming soon, at the beginning of June, so in a week, and then going to school here."

"Tell me about them." I said softly, closing my eyes and resting my head on his large bicep.

"Well, I have two boys; Hadley and Jaiden. Jaiden is older, he's nine, and Hadley is five. What else?" He asked me, stroking my hair.

"Where are they?"

"Well, they're in England. I moved here in October, and they already started school. I didn't want them to have to leave in the middle of the year, so I had them stay with my ex wife's parents, and I came here." He said.

"What happened with your wife?"

"She cheated on me, a lot, so we got a divorce. Then she overdosed and passed." He shrugged, and I felt bad.

"Will you tell me about you? Like, you as a kid?"

"Well, I grew up in Iran, then moved to Canada when I was three...."

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