Chapter 26

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"Okay, so if I start in the corner," I started towards my dance teacher, spitting out ideas for Ramin and Hadley's music video. Currently, we were doing choreography for it.

Ramin, Hadley, and a few Les Miz people were all watching me from behind a glass panel. I could see them, watching me, and teasing me.

It was going well, and we had half the song done already. "Run it one more time and then get a break."

I nodded, running to my beginning spot as the music started. I tried to make my movements and turns as graceful as possible as I danced, and I could see the others clapping when I finished.

I pulled up the straps to my sports bra, and my shorts down a little before turning to my teacher. "Good, needs tweaking though. Get a break. Try not to make out with your boyfriend too much." He teased, and I ran out the door.

I grabbed my water from Ramin and gulped it down, still trying to catch my breath. "Hi," I said to everyone.

"You're amazing, Sierra." Sam Hill said, smiling beautifully.

"Oh, thanks. Does it look good? Does it fit the song?" I asked Hadley and Ramin.

"Sie, we told you. We don't know anything about dancing. It's in your hands. But, you look beautiful dancing." Ramin said quickly, and I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"I should probably get back in. I have I finish." Before I went back into the studio, I said, "are you all just planning on staying here and making fun of me?"

"Pretty much." Chris said, and everyone else nodded.

I rolled my eyes before bouncing back inside, getting right to work. "If I do turns here," I said, and the choreography continued.

We went on for another hour trying to figure out the bridge, and nothing. "Take another break." My teacher said, waving me away in frustration.

I let out a puff of air and tied my long hair back before walking to the others. I let out another sigh and sat down, laying my head on Ramin's shoulder and closing my eyes.

"I'm tired." I mumbled, grabbing his hand.

"Then stop."

"No, I'm going to finish. I just can't finish the bridge. Why did you have to make it so hard to come up with dance moves to?!" I groaned, sitting up and opening my eyes.

"We say something about paint." He shrugged, chuckling.

"Ramin," I said, rolling my eyes slightly, "that's not helping- wait." I sat up, "that's amazing." I leaned over, pressing my lips against his hardly, "thank you, I love you!" I screamed, running into the studio office.

They were reprinting in the offices, so I grabbed a couple of the paint cans, small ones, of all different colors. I had red, blue, yellow, purple, green, and white.

"What are you-?" Ramin began as I stumbled into the room, having loads of paint cans in my arms.

"Shut up!" I screamed, pushing open the door.

"Sierra, what's the hell are you doing?" My teacher said.

"I have an idea for the bridge." I put all the cans on the floor, arranging them in a wide semi circle. "Okay, I do turns for the bridge. And then when the line about paint come up, you throw paint on me. And at one point, we can cut during film, dip my hair in paint, and then when I turn, it'll go everywhere."

"Sierra, that's amazing." He said to me, "let's practice."

He picked up the white can, and I did purple, and we dipped the tips of my hair into each color. "No one is gonna get mad that we're splattering paint in the studio? It's gonna get on the glass, and on the mirror in the back," I said, holding my hair so it wouldn't drip.

"Who cares. They hate us anyway. You're you, they won't kick you out. Let's try this, go when the bridge comes." He moved the cans out of the way, and I looked forward, still holding my hands.

"This won't work," Ramin mouthed to me, and I gave him an evil eye.

"Shut up!" I mouthed back, and the music starts. I started doing turns, and I could see the paint spewing from my hair evenly.

"Yes!" I shouted once I had finished.

"Amazing. Sierra, go home and get some rest. Come back tomorrow." I thanked my teacher before running outside.

"Told you so," I spat at Ramin, and he rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's all get home. Pizza!" I shouted, and we all climbed into our cars and headed to Ramin and I's apartment.

When we got home, I washed my hair to get the paint out, and then sat next to Ramin on the couch. We all started eating, and Ramin jumped up. "I have to go bring the kids somewhere. I'll be right back."

He kissed my cheek before Hadley and Jaiden came running out, and Ramin closed the door behind him. "Okay," Sam said, turning to me, "spill."

"Spill what?" I asked, clutching a pillow to my chest.

"You and Ramin!" She shouted, and everyone turned to hear my answer.

"There's nothing to spill. I love him, he loves me-" their was a knock at the door. "I'll be right back."

I threw open the door, and my mind blacked out.

He stood there, smirking at me. Shit.

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