Chapter 47

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My head rested on Ramin shoulder, his hand running through my curly hair. "You look beautiful, did I tell you that?"

"Many times yes, and every time you say it, my heart beats faster," I cooed, smiling up at him.

"And you're dress is beautiful. I love that it's not white, and kinda pink. It fits your personality," he grins, and I craned my neck up to kiss him. It meant to be a short peck, but he held on and pulled me into his lap, "you're so beautiful,"

"Stop telling me that,"

"I only speak the truth," he kissed me again, and we arrived at our venue for the reception. "I don't want to get up,"

"Neither do I," I mumbled, "but we have to do pictures, and I'm starving,"

"I can give you something to eat-"

"Ramin!" I scolded, slapping his arm as he burst into laughter, but I whispered, "later,"

We got out of the car and to where the bridal party was, and started taking pictures. An hour later, and thousands of pictures later, we were finally allowed to go into the reception. Hadley on my hip, we eventually did our entrance and sat down, are a little and danced a bit.

Soon, Ramin and I had split so we could both go talk to people. I got in a conversation with my cousins, and then Hadley pulled me away.

"Have you told him yet?" He eyed my stomach.

"No, I'm trying to think of a time to tell him," I mumbled, swirling my drink in my hand.

"Has anyone asked you about the bump?"

"No, but everyone keeps looking at it," I caught a glimpse of a small balcony and walked away from Hadley.

I walked into the brisk air, leaning against the railing. Below me was the ocean, and it looked beautiful under the moonlight.

I sighed, my hand skimming my stomach before resting on the rail.

"Would you like some company?" I jumped at the sound of Ramin's voice behind me.

"Oh, uh, ya, sure," I mumbled, sitting down on the bench, resting my back against the armrest. Ramin sat beside me, and swung my legs over his lap.

He stared into my eyes, his hand on my cheek, "What's wrong, my love?" Ramin asked, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him.

"Ramin, I-" I said, feeling slightly confused.

"Sierra," he said, his hands not resting on either of my cheeks, "you can tell me. What's wrong?"

Tears slid down my cheeks and I squeezed my eyes closed. "I'm pregnant, Ramin,"

"W-what?" He said, shocked.

I sat up, taking out the ultrasound and giving it to him. Moving slowly, he reached out and grabbed it from me.

Letting out a huge sigh, he clutched the picture. "Sierra, this is amazing," I rested my forehead against his, more tears falling, "why would you keep this from me?"

"You were in the hospital when I found out. You wouldn't disregarded all your morals and only cared for me inside of yourself-"

"I've been out for three weeks," he mumbled, wiping my tears.

"I know, I'm sorry,"

"Sierra, I'm far from mad. This great. We're having a baby," he gasped, pulling me into a hug, lifting me off my feet and spinning me around, "I love you, so much,"

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