Chapter 41

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Three months until wedding

Things began to get even more crazy around the apartment as the wedding was growing nearer.

Things were arriving, kids were off of school, it was the boiling hot summer now, and Sierra and Ramin each had shows every night.

"Ramin, I need to ask you something," I said, bouncing onto the bed and curling up beside him.

"Shoot," he said, giving me a cute smile.

"Every year, my family has a get together in Colorado. It's in two days and-"

"You want to go?" Ramin said, and I gave him an innocent look.

"Can we?" I asked, but kept babbling, "you can meet the rest of my family before the wedding. And it's not awkward then."

"With one condition." Ramin said, and I sat up, giving him an expecting look, "you come meet the rest of my family before the wedding. We do the same thing."


"So when are we leaving?" Ramin asked, sitting up at well.

"I guess, tomorrow night. We should go tell the boys." We summoned the boys inside and told them to go pack for Colorado.

Meanwhile, I booked tickets while Ramin packed for the both of us. "Done!" He yelled, throwing two suitcases on the floor.

"That only took you like five minutes," I placed my laptop to the side and crawled to the foot of the bed, opening the suitcases. "Ramin, all you did was put random clothes in here. It's not even folded!" I shouted, and Ramin groaned.

"I'm not good at this,"

"Go buy plane tickets and I'll pack," I mumbled, dumping the suitcases on the floor.

"How long are we staying?" Ramin asked, grabbing my laptop.

"Only a few days. Three?" He nodded, looking through my laptop.

"Is your mom and dad going? And Summer and Allegra?" Ramin asked, and I started folding clothes.

"They all should be going. And maybe Andrew should come too." I remembered that I had never told Ramin of why I was acting weird all those months ago when Jaiden asked me about marriage.

"That'd be a good idea. Did you know that he was thinking about asking Summer to marry him?" Ramin asked, and my breath caught in my throat.

"Can I tell you something?" I shyly said, closing up my luggage and heading to Ramin's dressed.

"Of course. Is everything okay?" He closed the laptop, and I assumed he bought the tickets.

"Remember a while ago when I was acting all weird after I had brought Jaiden to school?" I put his shoes in and folded all his clothes.

"Of course,"

"Well, on the way to school, Jaiden asked me if I ever thought about marrying you. He said it was because Andrew said something about proposing to Summer." I explained softly.

"And? What does this have to do with you?" Ramin asked, scooting the foot of the bed and swinging his legs over the side.

"It just spooked me. At that time, I had never imagined marrying you. But then I realized that I would love to marry you, and then I was fine." I said, and Ramin caught my waist, pulling me towards him.

"Why didn't you tell me that when it happened?" Ramin cooed in hm ear, and I leaned into his chest.

"I'm not sure. I was just nervous." I pulled away, finishing the suitcases. "I finished."

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