Chapter 21

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We have a snow day tomorrow so I'll be able to write a whole bunch!!!!!!

Hadley stayed in the hospital for another two weeks before being released, but with strict conditions.

He wasn't allowed to do anything too crazy, so no playing with friends. Hadley can't go to school for a long time. And he still has a bad sensitivity to light so it's best if he stays in bed for a while.

Hadley was on cloud nine when he finally found out he could go home. He nearly put himself into a coma the other day because a nurse tried to inject him with something.

Thank god I was there, Ramin was in the bathroom, to hold him down or he would have hit his head again.

Ramin hauled a napping Hadley into his arms as I grabbed my bag from the back seat, pushing through paparazzi to get to his apartment.

Jaiden jumped on me when I got inside, and once Ramin put Hadley down, jumped on him too.

"I missed you so much!" Jaiden said, wrapping his arms around Ramin's neck.

"I missed you too, buddy." Ramin sighed, and I smiled at the two.

I told Hadley Fraser he could go, thanked him for watching Jaiden, and then started making dinner in the kitchen.

After a quick dinner, we all split to our rooms. Ramin and I informed Hadley that if he needed us that we would be in the next room, and he went to sleep right away.

I was climbing into bed, bundled myself under the covers, and plugged in my phone.

As I sat back, Ramin tackled me in a hug. "Thank you for staying with me."

"I wouldn't ever think of leaving you." I mumbled.

"Well, you were going to, but decided to ditch your plane; which I'm grateful for, by the way." Ramin grinned, pressing his lips to mine for a while.

It had almost been two weeks since he kissed me, and I almost hadn't remembered what it felt like.

Now that I did remember, I wanted more of him. All of him.

He seemed to read my mind because he pulled me onto his lap to straddle him, as he whipped my shirt off and across the room. I pulled away from his lips, breathlessly asking, "are you sure you way to do this now?"

"Of course. Do you?" He asked, holding my hand and entwining our fingers together.

"Ya," I whispered, pulling his lips back to mine. And things went from there.


I woke up the next morning, curled up against Ramin, my head resting on his chest. "Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning. What time is it?" I asked groggily, sitting up but keeping the blanket on top of me.

"Around 7." He said, pulling me towards him and draping his arm around my shoulders, "I love you." He mumbled into my hair.

"I love you too, dear." Just them, Jaiden started banging on the door.

"Dad! Come on, you have to take me to school in a few minutes!" He shouted, groaning.

"I'll be out in five minutes, go finish getting ready." Ramin shouted, jumping out of bed and throwing on random clothes.

"Please fix your hair." I begged, laughing at his spiky hair.

In response, he just put a beanie on. "Loop hole." He grinned, putting his shoes on. He was just about to leave, when he ran back and jumped on top of me, kissing me deeply. "Don't move, when I get back, we're taking a shower together." He winked at me, running out the door.

I did stay in bed until he got back, and we jumped in the shower. We spent a long time in there, and eventually got out so we could check on Hadley.

I dressed in jeans, a mint green tank top, and a long, warm sweater. As I brushed out my hair and braided it back, Ramin went to check on Hadley.

As I finished braiding my hair, which took a really long time, Ramin came back. "Hey you." I smiled, "how's Hadley?"

"He's got a bad headache, and he went back to sleep." He sighed, sitting next to me on the bed.

"So what should we do today?" I asked, grabbing his hand.

"I wanted to ask you something." He said softly, and I looked him in the eyes, "will you move in? You can help with the kids, they clearly love having you around. From when I can tell you love them. And even though you'll be further from the Imperial, we can be together-" he babbled on.

"Ramin," I giggled, kissing his cheek, "if you'd shut up for two seconds, I'd be able to tell you that I would love to move in with you." I grinned, and pulled him in for another kiss.


Over the next week, I would gradually move in and would finally be done on Sunday. Ramin started going back to his shows, though he was reluctant.

I laid in bed, watching tv but not really paying attention. Ramin had gone off a few minutes to get ready for his show, so I was alone with Hadley, and Jaiden was with his friend.

"Sierra," I hear softly, "Sierra!" Hadley was calling for me, and I immediately jumped up and ran to his room.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, but let out a sigh of relief to see he was fine.

"Can we go visit daddy?" Hadley asked, his voice very small.

"Uh, do you think you can take the light?" I asked, sitting next to him on the bed and pulled him onto my lap.

"I'll wear sunglasses. Please, Sierra?" He gave me puppy eyes.

"Fine. Go put shoes on and I'll bring you to the theater for a little bit." He kissed my cheek before bouncing away to get ready.

I put uggs and a sweatshirt on before grabbing Hadley, balancing him on my hip, and we ran out the door. "Until we get to the theater, close your eyes. The paparazzi are not gonna stop taking pictures. Put your glasses on, and close your eyes."

He nodded, resting his head on my shoulder. I walked out of Ramin's apartment, well, now our apartment, and down the street.

"Mm, SieSie, I have a headache." He mumbled, burying his head into my shoulder.

"Ok, ok, just keep your eyes closed and we'll be with your dad soon." I cooed, kissing his head.

"I love you SieSie."

"I love you too Hadley."

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