Chapter 48

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"So I know you're tired of me saying it, but I'll say it again, you're beautiful," I rolled my eyes, giggling at him, "when I first met you, that was the first thing I thought. I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

"And then we went out a couple times, and we hung out more, and the first time I saw you in sweatpants with no makeup, you were even more beautiful then when you had a face full of makeup.

"I've seen you go through hell and back, and every time I was there to hold you. You've been hurt, and always managed to hold up and keep your shit together. And all I have to say now, is that I can't wait to grow old with you,"

I ran up to him, jumping in his arms in tears. "That was so sweet," I mumbled in his ear.

"Wanna say something?" He thrust the mic into my hands, and I froze for a second.

"I'll won't be able to top that so all I have to say is I love you," I giggled, turning to kiss Ramin, "now let's dance!" I shouted, and people flooded onto the floor.

Many people came up to me and congratulated me on the pregnancy, and Ramin as well. And eventually it was cake time.

Ramin was merciful and nicely fed me a piece of cake, but I smashed the whole piece in his face, "I was so nice to you, and this is what you give me in return?" Ramin gasped, wiping cake off his face and flicking it at me.

"Hey, hey, watch the dress," I said, smoothing my dress down sarcastically.

"Oh really?" He ran up to me, wrapping his arms around me and doing his best to smear cake all over my face and arms. "Payback!" He screamed, kissing me.

After we both cleaned the cake off our bodies, and I found he got some down my bra, I got Hadley and Jaiden some cake.

We sat down, Hadley and Jaiden buzzing to us about how excited they were about the baby, "I really hope it's a girl because Hadley's a real pain," Jaiden groaned.

Ramin scolded him, but me and Hadley were just laughing. "You're encouraging this?"

"It was funny-" I was cut off by Andrew and Summer standing on the dance floor.

"So, I was helping Ramin edit his vlogs for Broadway.Com and I came across some footage that I thought was hilarious, and he edited out of the vlogs," a little screen appeared and a video popped up of Ramin and I.

"So, let's go see what Sierra is doing because I'm bored." He skipped into the bedroom to see me sitting on the bed, "Sierra, entertain me,"

"No, I'm studying my music for Phantom," I said, my eyes not moving from my laptop screen.

"Come on," Ramin groaned, sitting on the bed next to me.


"Come on-"




"I love you-"

"I love you too, but no-"

"Come on-"

"Shut up Ramin-"



"Come on-"

"If I say yes will you shut up?!" I screamed, rolling my eyes.

"Yes." He said, a smile on his face.

"Fine, what do you want me to do?" I asked, throwing my laptop to the side.

"I don't know," he shrugged, and I groaned loudly.

"You suck, you know that." I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"But you love me," he grinned adorably.

"Sadly, I do,"

And the video cut off there. "I remember when you did that." I giggled, slapping Ramin, "you're really are annoying,"

"You tell me that all the time,"

"I know," he grinned, "and you love me."

"That is very true," I grinned, pecking his lips.

"Now let's get out of here, and to our honeymoon,"

You're Beautiful To Me... (Rierra fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now