Chapter 30

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Heyyyyy everyone! My auditions for the school show were today and I hope that I get Veruca again!!!! Enjoy today's chapter!

"Hello?" I answered the phone to my mother.

"Oh my dear, are you okay?" My mom asked, sounding frantic.

"Uh, ya." I said, confused, as I sat with Ramin, Andrew, Summer, Sam, and Will in the apartment.

"I heard what happened." She said, sounding sad.

"How?" I asked, sitting up.

"The news. E! News is talking about it." She said.

"I'll call you back," I hung up, "put on E! News." I said to Ramin, and he switched the channel.

"And we haven't heard anything from Sierra about the accusations of her second rape by Tam Mutu, but he is proven guilty. We'll have more news on this upcoming story soon. Stick around." I rolled my eyes, shutting off the tv.

"They're stupid." I spat.

"Are you gonna say something?" Ramin asked, putting our movie back on.

"No. I don't need to. My manager will take care of it."

I started texting my mom, and she said that she wanted me, Ramin, Summer, and Andrew to come over for a family get together. I asked all three of them and they accepted, and I said I was gonna bring the boys.

So over the next few days, I got back into my normal routine. I went back to dance and voice rehearsals, and was excelling.

I finished the dance for Ramin and Hadley's video, and we'd film it in two weeks. I also succeeded in learning and perfecting the music for Phantom for my audition in two weeks.

I hadn't told anyone about the audition, not even Ramin. If I got it, I wanted it to be a surprise.

I grew up in Colorado, and then when I was ready, moved to LA. Then for Enchanted, I moved to New York. When I was in LA, my parents moved to Long Island.

It only took us an hour and a half to get there, and Ramin was looking confident. "Not nervous?" I teased, looking back at the kids who were fascinated by the scene around them.

"Nope. I'm a likable person. I have nothing worry about, right?" He said, and I nodded at him.

"How do you know you're likable?"

"Because you liked me the first time you saw me." He teased back, and I blushed.

"Shut up." We arrived at the house, and I helped Ramin with the kids. Jaiden ran ahead while I had Hadley on my hip and Ramin was walking behind Jaiden.

I knocked on the door, and Summer opened it. "Where's mom and dad?" I asked, stepping inside with everyone.

"In the kitchen cooking." Summer said, and I waved to Andrew in the living room and as Summer sat next to him. I told the boys to wait with them.

Ramin and I went into the kitchen and my parents turned around immediately. "My little girl!" She shrieked, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine mom. This hurts." I moaned, while Ramin and my dad started talking.

"Do you have, ya know, bruises?" She asked, sounding awkward.

I rolled up the sleeves to my shirt to show her the fading bruises, and then the one on my stomach. "They're fine, they don't hurt much. Only occasionally. And Ramin has been taking good care of me." I smiled at him where he and my dad were speaking in the other corner.

"You really love him," my mom said, "I can see it in your eyes."

"I do. I love him so much, ma." I sighed, my thoughts wavering to him.

"I'm so happy you've found your true love." She grinned, hugging me again. "Want to help cook?"

"Nope!" I shouted, pulling Ramin away from my dad.

"I was talking with your dad, you know." He said as I sat him down on the couch.

"I know that. It was time you stopped." I teased, and we started watching tv. "Is anyone else coming?" I asked Summer.

"Don't think so." She said, paying attention to the tv.

My parents came in a little bit later. "So, tell us about yourselves boys." My dad said, looking between Ramin and Andrew. I got on my phone and wet on YouTube.

"Ugh, we both work together at Les Miz." Andrew said, and my mom looked interested in the show.

"Ramin, how did you meet Sierra?" My mom asked, and I rolled my eyes, scrolling through YouTube. Hadley and Jaiden looked over my shoulder and giggled.

"Well, Sierra's friend Idina brought her to see the show. That's when we met." Ramin payed no attention to my phone, or what me and the boys were doing.

"Andrew?" My mom said, smiling at me.

"I just met Summer in rehearsals one day." He said.

"Andrew, why do you have to be so awkward?" I teased, laughing at him. He gave me an evil eye. "Oh! I found it!" I shrieked, connecting my phone to the tv so everyone could see the video.

"Sierra, shut this off." Ramin groaned, seeing as I looked up a video of him doing Phantom, Music of the Night to be exact.

I held him down during the video, forcing him to listen. "It sounded good." I said once it was over.

"You have a great voice, Ramin." My mom complimented, and he thanked her.

We kept talking for a while, before Hadley crawled into my lap. "SieSie, my head hurts."

"Oh, that's not good." I mumbled, pulling him into my arms and standing.

"What?" Ramin asked.

"His head hurts." As I left, Ramin started explaining what had happened to Hadley and why his head hurt, and why it was bad.

I took an ice pack from the fridge and gave it to him, and then he sat on Ramin's lap in the living room. We started watching a movie and eating dinner.

The night went really well, and my parents really loved all the boys. My mom even said that she was gonna come see Les Miz soon.

"I told you that they would like me," Ramin said on the drive home, "I'll admit that I was a little scared what they would say when I told them about Hadley, but they were fine."

"Shut up," I mumbled, smiling at him.


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