Chapter 50

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Just because I'm feeling nice, I'll post one before I go to school and rehearsals! 6 CHAPTERS LEFT!

"We're home!" I shout into the apartment, and the boys come sprinting out of their rooms, hugging Ramin and I, "oh, I missed you boys," I cooed, squeezing Jaiden.

"I missed you too, mommy," Hadley chimed, jumping into my arms.

"What about me?" Ramin said, "you didn't miss me?"

"Of course I missed you, daddy!" He shouted, and I hugged him, giggling.

Ramin and I dropped our bags in the bedroom and then we all sat on the couch. Hadley and Rosalie had gone home so it was just us.

We all were in a pile in the couch, Ramin tracing circles in my growing stomach. Since it hadn't gotten any bigger during the honeymoon, I was happy that I would still fit into my clothes.

"So theirs a baby in there?" Hadley squeaked, his tiny hand on my stomach.

"Yes their is,"

"How did it get there?" His big eyes looked at me, and I could hear Ramin snorting behind me.

"Really?" I said, turning to him, "you answer the question,"

"Well," Ramin said, rolling his eyes at me, "the baby just starts growing inside of Mommy's tummy,"


That was a lame explanation, but it seemed to please Hadley.

"Pretty much, mom and dad had sex," Jaiden spat out, paying no attention to us.

"Hey," Ramin shouted, "inappropriate!" He gave him a slight hit to the back of the head, "Hadley, don't repeat that,"

I sighed, awkward silence arising over the room. Eventually, Jaiden just got up and went to his room. I sighed again, and couldn't help but think this was my fault.

Ramin, Hadley, and I stuck out for the rest of the night, and eventually we put him to bed. Sighing, I bounced into the bedroom and changed into pajamas.

Once I was in my fluffiest pajamas, I crawled into bed, heaving out another sigh. "What's with all the sighing, my love?" Ramin asked from beside me.

"I don't know," I mumbled, curling up in the blankets. Ramin out his arms around my waist, kissing down my back and keeping his hands on my stomach, "lots of this are gonna change with this baby," I said, changing the subject.

"We'll have to move."

"Like, soon," I said, turning to face him.

"Do you want to get like a penthouse, or a real house?" Ramin asked, rubbing circles around my belly button.

"A real house. I mean, we're married, and we have kids. I think we deserve to live in a house," he nodded, agreeing with me.

"When should we start looking?"

"Soon," I giggled, resting my head on his chest, "tomorrow?"

"Perfect for me," he grinned, "now let's sleep, because I'm very tired,"


"I like this one," Ramin said, pointing to a picture.

"Hmm, eh. I like modern, but comfy. If that exists," I giggled, adjusting the laptop on my lap. Ramin smiled at me cutely, grabbing the laptop from me.

I then laid my head in his shoulder, my hand resting on the top of my baby bump. "Ohh, I really like that one,"

He clicked on the picture, a house that had everything we wanted and was only a few minutes out of the city. "I think we should check it out. It has carpets and a bunch of rooms, and everything we want. Perfect," Ramin said, smiling at me.

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