Chapter 14

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"I've got a blank space baby, and I'll write your name..."

This is it. The day I meet Ramin's kids. He's bringing them to the photo shoot, and then we're going out to dinner.

I was running around at the photo shoot, but enjoying myself way more than usual. This was a fun shoot.

I got to jump on a trampoline, break glass things, bash cars with hammers, and scream lyrics to songs on the radio. Obviously, Blank Space is my new favorite song.

I stood on set, throwing around glass bottles. Having them smash against the wall filled me with pleasure.

"Ok, Sierra, you can stop now. Go get changed." My photographer told me, and I bounced off to hair and makeup.

My hair was teased to the nines and I was tight black romper.

"All I want you to do is sing the song and act out what you think is happening." My photographer said, and I nodded.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ramin with his kids entering.

Blank Space blasted through the set an I started singing at the top of my lungs. I screamed, jumped, threw some more things, and almost killed a crew member with a glass bottle. Oops.

By the end of the song, their was glass on the floor, stuck in the wall, and a hole in the wall; where I had hit it with a sledgehammer.

"Who would have thought such a small girl could have that much rage?" The photographer said, chuckling at me, "we got amazing pictures out of that, and we recorded it."

"Oh joy. It's recorded and you have it. My career is over!" I shouted sarcastically, "I'm leaving now. Thank you!"

I waved and smiled at Ramin before quickly running off and putting on sweats and taking off my makeup, and making my hair less crazy.

I made myself look presentable, but then stopped myself. It's his kids, they don't really care what I look like. All they should care about is that I make their dad happy and I'm not some chick who will play him. I would never do that.

I grabbed my bag before running out and meeting up with the boys. Ramin smiled at me, kissing my cheek. "Boys this is Sierra. But we'll talk when we get to the restaurant."

I smiled at them, and the boys smiled back warmly. That took a load off my shoulders.

We all piled into Ramin's car, and he turned the radio on to drown out the silence. "Sie, what's your audition for tomorrow?" He asked after a while.

"Rent. They're making a movie out of it." I shrugged, that movie wasn't much of a big deal.

"That's fun."


We arrived at the restaurant, one that Ramin had taken me to many times, just two blocks away from my apartment.

I smirked at him as he got out, and he winked at me.

We were seated soon, me and Ramin on one said and Hadley and Jaiden on the other, and I smiled at them for what seemed like the millionth time.

"So this is Sierra." Ramin said, grabbing my hand under the table.

"Hi Sierra!" Jaiden said, waving at me.

"Hi Jaiden." I giggled at his enthusiasm.

"You're pretty Sierra." Hadley blurted out, as in pretty sure I was blushing, even though he was five.

"Oh thank you Hadley." I felt Ramin squeeze my hand under the table, and I squeezed back.

I could tell that this would be a fun night and I would grow to love these boys.

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