Chapter 39

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I hate my school so much and wish I could just fucking leave and go to a different school. Anyway, here's another chapter!

Five months until wedding

"So here we are, in the depths of the Broadway.Com headquarters." Ramin said into his camera as I got ready for my interview, "I've tagged along with Sierra for her interview."

He put the camera on me and I waved. "And this is the first time the people are seeing your new haircut." Ramin said.

"I donated nineteen inches of my hair to a little girl, Paige, who has cancer. I sent her the wig a couple days ago." I smiled, and my mic was clipped to my shirt. "Anyways, I have I go now."

I sat down across from Paul and waited for him to start. I watched a little clip of me singing Wishing for a second, and then the cameras went to us.

"You know her from on screen, and now she's Christine Daae on Broadway. Sierra Boggess, everyone!" I waved at the camera, "before I say anything else. Your hair! What happened?!" Paul teases, and I laughed, running my fingers through my curled hair.

"Theirs a short story behind this," I giggled, "Ramin's son got in a car crash and he got in the hospital. I was walking around and I bumped into a little girl named Paige, who had cancer, and she was bald. We talked, and she was a huge fan. And then she came to my opening night for Phantom, and we met again at the stage door. And we were talking and as just touched my hair, and then her head because she was bald. And then I realized that I wanted to give her a wig of my hair. And I told Ramin, and he just kinda went, 'okay?' Because I had said I want to cut my hair. And I cut it last week. So here I am, with short hair." I shrugged, smiling.

"That's amazing. And you're engaged too?" Paul said, "how'd that happen?"

"Ramin proposed on Christmas. Pretty much what he did was we went on a walk, stopped to get hot chocolate, and then we went to this little pond in Central Park that we love. And when I finished my drink, the bottom of the mug said will you marry me. Then he proposed. It was really sweet," I smiled at the memory.

"Now, Phantom. How's it going?"

"Phantom is amazing. It's such a big production and it amazing to be apart of." I grinned, taking a drink from my Broadway.Com branded mug.

"And I was there for opening night, and you were amazing," I blushed, "I was talking with some people outside and they were like, critiquing you. They're like 'oh, I've heard her sing and she'll fail at this part', and I felt so bad."

"Well, that's not nice at all." I mumbled, but didn't care. "I proved all those bitches wrong then, didn't I?" We burst into laughter.

"Now, something else that happened opening night." A picture popped up on the monitor of me in Ramin's arms, sobbing, "what the hell happened? And then you came back in a half hour later, limping, and then you tripped and Ramin carried you backstage."

"Ok. We were warming up the overture during mic checks and I fell and dislocated my knee cap. So Ramin carried me down the block to the hospital. The doctor proceeded to knock my knee cap back in place without warning, and then injected me with painkillers. And if you can see, I'm still wearing a brace, two months later." I shrugged, giggling, "I've told three stories already."

We went on for a while and talked about random stuff, until it was finally over. I ran backstage and got ready to go.

Ramin and I just lounged at home, finishing up all the rest of the wedding stuff. "That's it." I sighed, closing my laptop and throwing it to the side. "The wedding is done."

"And now, we wait." Ramin said.

"But I don't know if I can wait four or five more months until you can be my husband," I mumbled, sitting on his lap and putting my arms around his neck.

"I don't know if I can wait until our honeymoon to have my way with you again," he smirked, trying to kiss me, but I pulled away.

"You'll have to wait," I grinned, jumping off his lap and running into the bathroom to take a shower.

Ramin eventually left to go get the boys from school, and I put sweats. After we ate dinner and the boys did their homework, Ramin left for his show.

"Want to watch a movie?" I asked the boys as we sat down on the couch.

"Frozen!" Hadley shrieked, and I giggled, putting the movie in.

Hadley plopped on my lap and Jaiden curled up beside me, and I smiled contently at the boys as the movie starts.

"SieSie?" Hadley chimed during Let It Go, playing with my hair.


"Since you and daddy are getting married, can we call you mommy?" Hadley said, big adorable brown eyes looking into mine.

"Ya!" Jaiden added, and I pulled them into my chest.

"You can call me whatever you want. Just because I'm gonna be your stepmom doesn't mean you have to call me mom. I don't want to rush you into anything," I mumbled, tears filling my eyes.

"Then can we call you mommy?" Jaiden said, and the boys looked at me expectantly.

"Of course," I choked out, tears falling down my face. "Now let's pay attention to the movie."

Jaiden eventually got too tired and went to bed, and then Hadley started getting yawning in my lap.

I put him to bed and then climbed in my own, feeling empty without Ramin beside me. But he'd be back in an hour or two.

I was just about to drift off to sleep, when I heard a loud crack of thunder, followed by a flash of lightning.

I ignored it, curling up deeper into the comforter. Just as another crack of thunder sounded, I heard little feet running into the bedroom.

I looked up to see Hadley, looking extremely scared, clutching a teddy bear in his hands. "Mommy, can I sleep with you?"

My heart melted when he called me mommy. And because he sounded so scared and nervous.

"Of course, climb up in." I lifted him onto the bed and put him in Ramin's spot, and he curled up beside me. He jumped as another crack of thunder sounded, and buried his head in my neck.

"It's okay," I cooed, brushing his hair out of his eyes, "just go to sleep. And daddy will be home soon. I love you,"

"I love you too, mommy,"

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