Chapter 55

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It was all so sudden. I didn't even know what happened. The only word that registered in my mind was pain.

My mind started working before my eyes opened. I could feel the pain, and it was all around my stomach and groin area.

I let out a loud grunt, my hand touching my stomach. It finally registered in my mind, other then pain.

It was only 2am, no one else would be up. No one could help me.

I immediately started hitting Ramin, and he didn't wake at first. Just shrugged me off and turned away.

I hit the back of his shoulder really hard and he jolted awake, rubbing his eyes. "What's wr-" I let out a loud moan of pain, squeezing my eyes shut, "what's wrong, love,"

"Ramin," I said through gritted teeth, "it hurts," tears started falling down my cheeks, and he turned on the light on his bedside table.

"Alright, what do you want me to do?" He asked, grabbing my hand.

"Take me to the hospital," I groaned out, and he nodded.

He shoved slippers on my feet and a sweatshirt on himself, as long as running quickly to get Rosalie up.

He helped me onto my feet and the second I stood, I felt a warm liquid flow down my leg. I doubled over in pain, clutching my stomach. "My water broke!" I cried out, and Ramin helped me hobble into the car.

Another advantage of the house was that it was only a few minutes from the hospital. So it was moments before we were there, and I was thankful.

Somehow, Hadley was already there and waiting for us, with doctors. I tried to smile at him, but pain came over me.

I was thrown in a room immediately and given painkillers, so I was able to relax. I took a deep breath, deciding to let go of Ramin's hand.

"I might break your hand today," I teased, and he smiled cutely at me.

"Go ahead. It's the least I can let you do, you have been carrying my child for eight and a half months," the doctor and nurses came in after that, and I braced myself for pain.

My family, Hadley, Rosalie, the boys, and a bunch of people from Les Miz were here eventually, and my family came running in.

We talked for a little, and then they left because of the doctors orders. That's when the contractions really started.

I really did squeeze Ramin's hand hard, but I knew the pain would only get much worse.

"You're doing great, love," I only mumbled out a small thanks before another contraction hit.

Hadley and Rosalie came in, and stood on either side of me. "How ya feeling, Sierra?" Hadley cooed, brushing my hair back slightly.

"The best you can get when you're going into labour," I mumbled breathlessly.

Rosalie was about to say something, but the doctor barged in. "You two need to leave now. Mrs. Karimloo is going to begin delivering her child in a few moments,"

For whatever reason, I started panicking. "No!" I shouted, trying to sit up, but only feeling pain, "I want Hadley stay in here. I need someone to hold my other hand,"

He seemed touched, and confused, but closed the door and grabbed my hand.

"Ready, babe?" Ramin cooed, tying my hair back. Maybe that should have been done before.

"I guess I have to be," I tried a smile, but the pain took over my body.

"Ready to push?" The doctor asked, positioning himself and my legs correctly. I gave off a small shrug and we started.

This went in for hours. Pushing. Crying. Screaming. Tiredness. Wanting to give up. But then Ramin and Hadley were there and told me to push through.

And then I heard the best sound ever. The cry of my baby.

I threw my head back, trying to catch my breath. But then I heard an amazing sentence; "It's a girl,"

I had a little girl. My little Karina.

She was taken away to be cleaned, and Ramin put his hand in my cheek, kissing my forehead.

"We have a little girl," he chided in my ear, and a huge smile creeped on my face. With Ramin assistance, I sat up, and gave Hadley a slight hug.

He left, claiming he was gonna give us our time.

Karina was placed in my arms, Ramin silently climbing in the bed beside me. "Oh, she's adorable," she smiled toothlessly at us, and grabbed Ramin finger, "and she has you're eyes," her eyes were a beautiful soft brown color.

"But she looks just like you," Ramin cooed in my ear, kissing my temple, "I love you,"

"I love you too," I mumbled back, giving Karina to him.

We paid no attention as my parents and sisters came in, just entranced with our little girl. Soon, my mom spoke up and we passed Karina around.

Ramin decided to let me sleep, but I insisted that everyone come in and meet Karina.

I could hear them all silently come in, but I drifted off to sleep soon after.

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