Chapter 33

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My nose is bleeding and I'm sick and I have callbacks tomorrow. Yay.

Two weeks later, it was finally Christmas. Rehearsals had started the day after filming the video, and they were going amazingly.

"Wake up!" Hadley and Jaiden screamed, jumping on the bed. "It's Christmas!"

I was so exhausted from rehearsals that I didn't want to get up, so I just curled up more in bed. But Ramin wasn't next to me. "You guys go wait, I'll grab her." Before I could process what he said, he threw me over his shoulder and carried me into the living room.

"Come on," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes and drinking the coffee Ramin had made for me. "Open presents."

"Merry Christmas." Ramin whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head.

"Merry Christmas, my love." I whispered back, smiling up at him.

It took the boys a while to open their presents, and they we're excited over everything. "I'll go get my stuff for you guys."

I ran into the bedroom and grabbed the three boxes in the corner. I gave the boys their presents, ten games each for their Xbox from Ramin.

I handed the big box to Ramin and he looked at me skeptically. "Sie-"

"Shh, open it." I said, crossing my legs underneath me and looking at him expectantly.

He opened the box to see that I had gotten him a new guitar, because his other one got smashed on the car crash with Hadley. And he just never got a new one.

"Oh, Sie, thank you so much," he pulled me into a long hug, and then pulled away with a smirk. "Now for your present."

I turned confused when Ramin ran out of the apartment. The boys shrugged at me, too interested in their new gifts to care.

Ramin came in a few minutes later, covering the present in his arms. I looked at him confused.

He sat down, smiling at me for a minute. I was about to ask what was going on, but he held out his hands to me.

I gasped. In his hands were possibly the two tiniest kittens I had ever seen. "Oh my gosh, their so adorable." I cooed, grabbing them from him.

"Their both girls, sisters pretty much."

One let out a little meow and my heart melted. "Thank you so much Ramin." I mewed, hugging him as best I could with the kittens in my hands. "Now we have to name them."

I summoned the boys over and they helped spit out ideas. "First, you," I picked out the dark one.



"No!" Ramin shouted, and I gave him a sympathetic look. Amanda was Ramin's ex wife's name.




"Olivia?" I asked, and we all agreed. "Little one, your new name is Olivia." I said, kissing her head and then giving her to Hadley and Jaiden. "Now you," I pushed up the lighter one.

"Aaron?" Hadley said, a cute smile on his face.

"Sweetie, their both girls." I said, kissing his head.

"Oh." He sighed.






"Celie." Ramin said softly, and I perked up.

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