Chapter 35

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Current event papers for health suck.

My wig was placed on my head for the first time, and I smiled, ready to be Christine Daae.

I tied my fluffy rode around my body, just as their was a knock on the door. "Come in!" My yell came out muffled because my wig and makeup was being done.

"Hello my darling." Ramin said, kissing my cheek, "my family is here."

"Hi!" I said, my eyes still closed, but my makeup was finally done. I stood up, fixing my wig slightly. "I'm Sierra." I said, though I was sure they knew my name.

"This is my mom, dad, and brother Shervin." I hugged them all, and then my mic was clipped in my hair.

"We've heard so much about you," his mom gushed.

"And you're even prettier in person." Shervin said, and I giggled.

"Shervin, she's mine." Ramin scolded, and I slapped his arm.

"Thank you Shervin." I blushed, beginning to get certain parts of my costume on, "sorry I'm sorta running around." I apologized as I took a sip of my tea.

"It's okay. It is your Broadway debut." His dad said, and I smiled.

"Sierra," Polly said from the door, "we have to go do mic checks and warmups."

"I'm sorry. I have to go." I said quickly, putting in my pointe shoes.

"Please, Sierra, can I come watch?" Ramin begged.

"No! Not until the show starts!" I giggled. "He keeps asking to hear me sing, because he's never heard me sing this material, and I keep refusing." I explained to his family, "I really have to go." I said, giving Ramin a kiss before running away to the stage.

Mic checks went on for a little while, going perfectly fine, and then we started running the overture.

I was involved in a huge dance part, and it was going fine. Until someone knocked me down.

I went flying forward, my knee hitting the floor before anything else. I could feel my knee cap out of place.

I cried out in pain, curling up in a ball and holding my knee. Tears streamed down my cheeks as people crowded around me, and Jeremy, my Raoul, went to go get Ramin.

"Can you move it?" Andrew asked, and I tried to move it, but I couldn't.

"No," I cried out, and Ramin came running in.

"What happened?" He asked, running over to my side.

"She just fell and landed on her knee." Andrew explained, looking super stressed.

"And this is the knee that you hurt at rehearsals, Sie. It looks dislocated. You have to get to the hospital." He sighed, sitting back.

"No, I have to go on." I said between sobs.

"Then I'll just take you to the doctor." Ramin said, and I looked over at him with big eyes.

"I can postpone the show for another hour. It's the best I can do." Andrew said, groaning.

Ramin hauled me into his arms, and I clung to his shirt. "Ramin, I can walk."

"Try walking with a dislocated knee? I don't think so." Ramin chuckled, "I hate to tell you this, dear, but we have to go through the lobby. Everyone will see you."

"Just get me to the damn hospital!" I screamed, and he just nodded at me.

Everyone gasped at me as we passed through the crowd, and both our families looked extremely scared and worried.

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