Chapter 46

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"Sierra," Summer said, grabbing my attention, "ready to go? The wedding is starting in a few minutes?"

"Uh, can I just have a few seconds alone?" They all looked at me skeptically, but walked out.

I reached into my bag, pulling out the new ultrasound. I stared at it, and stared at it. The more I looked at it, the more I fell in love with my unborn baby.

My hand rested on my stomach, and I shoved the picture inside my dress, under my armpit, but enough so that no one could see it and it was comfortable.

I stood, fixing my dress and makeup before joining the others in line. I grabbed my dads hand, my other hand wrapped around my bouquet.

"Are you nervous?" He asked, and I nodded, "why?"

I couldn't tell him, "Because I'm getting married, I'm just nervous in general," I shuffled my feet on the floor as everyone started to go in.

My heart beat raced as I approached the door, and my grip on my dads hand tightened.

At the last second, I looked down to see Hadley and Jaiden ready to walk down the aisle. Thrusting my bouquet into my dads hands, I crouched down in front of the boys.

"What?" Jaiden asked, and I pulled them both into a hug.

"I love you two, so much," I mumble into their ears, and I heard them mumble back an I love you too. "And thank you for accepting me as your new mom, and not some evil stepmom from hell," they giggled, and I kissed each of their heads, "now go, and I'll be out right after you,"

They bounced out, and I grabbed my dads hand again, "evil stepmom from hell?" He teased.

"Haven't you ever seen Cinderella?" I teased back, squeezing his hand, "ready to let your little girl go?"

"You're not my littlest," he said, "and when Allegra gets a boyfriend, I'll scare him away," I giggled, my head resting on his shoulder.

"I'm actually surprised that you didn't scare Ramin away,"

"I like Ramin. He's nice, and he's very talented, and he treats you well. And I can see it in both of your eyes how in love you are with him," my dad said.

"I do, I love him so much," I cooed, but then was told that it was time to walk down the aisle.

"Ready?" My dad asked, turning to me to find me taking deep breaths.

My hand subconsciously went to my stomach, but I ripped it away. "Ya,"

And the doors opened, and I was faced with all my guests staring at me. For a second, I panicked and tried to find Ramin.

And I did. He was grinning at me at the end of the aisle.

As I inched closer to him, I started getting even more nervous. My stomach gurgled and I could have sworn I was gonna throw up, but then Ramin gave me reassurance.

Ya, I was ready to marry the love of my life.

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