Chapter 26: Preperation

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You're spinning your cylinder, sitting on a couch. Lee is pacing back and forth. Christa and Vernon are sitting on the other couch. Ben and Kenny are working on the boat. Molly's looking through the window.

Lee: Omid's doin' okay?

Vernon: As well as can be expected under the circumstances. I did what I could for him, cleaned out the wound. But he's got a real infection, running a fever. Without antibiotics...

Molly turns around.

Molly: Will you quit pacing? You're making everyone nervous.

Christa: Why are you even still here?

Molly: Hey, if your friend really can get that boat working, you're taking me with you as payment for saving your asses. I figure that's fair enough, don't you?

Ben and Kenny get inside.

Lee: Well?

Kenny sighs.

Kenny: You want the good news or the bad news?

Lee: I think we could all use some good news.

Kenny: Good news is, the boat's seaworthy enough. In pretty good shape, mostly.

Christa: Mostly?

Kenny: That's the bad news. Gas tank's empty and her battery's dead. We need to fix both before she's taking us any place.

Christa: Well, how are we supposed to get that stuff?

You: We could... never mind.

You look down at your gun and continue spinning your cylinder.

Lee: What is it?

Kenny: I'm open to suggestions.

You look up at them.

You: We could go to Crawford, if they raided everything then they must have SOME stuff to work.

Kenny: That's... real smart, kid.

Vernon: Now hold on a minute.

Christa gets up and stands next to where you're sitting.

Christa: Surely we have to try. If there are people left in this city who are still alive, who still have supplies...what harm can it do to ask?

Vernon stands up.

Vernon: Trust me, you don't know these people. I do. You showing up with a wounded man? Might as well put a noose around his neck. They don't exactly welcome children with open arms, either.

Christa: What the hell kind of a place are we talking about here?

Molly: The worst kind. But I don't see what other choice we have.

Kenny: And just how exactly do you figure we do this? Because, from what I've heard, that place ain't exactly friendly to outsiders.

You stand up.

You: Simple. We just sneak in, take what we need, and go.

Vernon: There might actually be a way. I know the sewer system that runs beneath Crawford like the back of my hand. Y'all wouldn't happen to have a map by any chance?

Lee: Yeah, actually...

Lee takes out a map and unfolds in onto the coffee table.

Vernon: I think I could lead us through so we could pass under the perimeter and right into the center, where they keep their supplies. We come up right underneath 'em, take 'em by surprise, grab what we need and get out before they even knew what hit 'em.

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