Chapter 165: Black

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Clementine's POV
You, AJ, and Tenn walk out of the cave. You make sure that no walkers are around. Your torch goes out, so you drop it.

You walk a short distance away, but stop to let AJ and Tenn catch up. They do, so you continue walking to make sure that no walkers or raiders are around.

Clem: Coast is clear.

You walk another short distance away.

Clem: If the shore is that way...the school is probably that way.

You all continue walking. It's quiet between the three of you for a bit.

Tenn: Aasim was the third.

Clem: Huh?

You all stop walking and you turn around.

Tenn: The day after AJ killed Marlon. You already know Violet and I voted for you to stay. Aasim was the third vote.

AJ: Wait, that means...Omar voted us out? And...Ruby?

Tenn: Uh, yeah.

AJ: Huh.

Clem: What made you think of that?

Tenn: Aasim said you knew how to survive. He could just tell the school would be safer with you there. I voted for you because I liked you, but his reason, it was better. I just...I just thought you should know. Aasim was right. We were safer. We were more scared than we let on, when you met us. You made that go away.

Clem: I think you better tell that to Y/N. He's done a helluva lot more than me.

Tenn: Yeah, you're right.

AJ: I like Aasim.

Tenn: If Marlon was still in charge, we'd be taken away to wherever. Or dead. Instead, we fought back. Because you and Y/N showed us how. We weren't safe with Marlon. Even in his "safe zone" we were just...hiding.

You hear a noise coming from the woods, making you turn around. You take out your knife.

It's silent for a few moments, until Louis walks out with his hands raised. He sees you and lowers his hands. You put your knife away.

AJ: Louis!

AJ runs up to Louis and hugs him. Tenn walks up to him and also gives him a hug.

You walk up to Louis.

Clem: What're you doing out here?

They all pull out of the hug.

Louis: I was looking for Y/N. We said that we'd keep an eye out for him on the way back to the school, but we never found him. I told everyone that I'd try and find him.

Clem: No luck?

Louis: Not even a trail.

Clem: Everyone got back?

Louis: Yeah, they're all good. Ruby said Violet's eyes aren't infected, so that's good too. They'll all be waiting for us back home.

Clem: Any idea which way that is?

Louis: I haven't been out here in a while, but I think there's a bridge...that way. It's the fastest way back.

Clem: Let's go.

You all continue walking.

Louis: I killed that woman. Back on the boat.

Clem: Was that your first?

Louis: first. It bile, but not quite, you know? Or like a scream that doesn't know if it should or not.

Clem: Y/N says that only beasts kill without remorse. You have a tendency to beat yourself up, Louis. But don't do it now, because you did great back there.

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