chapter 34- lyin' eyes

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November 7th, 2019
Rachel's p/v
I texted Sage to meet me by the boy's locker room. There is a lot that needs to be cleared up. I really have no intentions in speaking to her for long so I hope we can make this quick. If Sage apologizes for the way she treated me yesterday then maybe I can stick around. But knowing her, that's highly unlikely.

Where is she? I literally don't have all day. There's a reason why I made sure I got to school 15 minutes early. I don't have anyone to hang out with this morning but I still don't want to waste my precious minutes. Where am I going to spend them? Probably in my math class. I'm dressed like a teacher today so I should I play the part pretty well.

I'm wearing Darry's brown crewneck from 9th grade , blue mom jeans, black high top converse, and my Kanken backpack. This is something my chemistry teacher would wear. I love you, Ms. J!

"You wanted to talk?"
I look up from the ground. This might sound crazy but Sage looks completely different. It's not even her appearance, just the energy she's giving off. Tired. Annoyed. A synonym for annoyed.
"Yesterday something interesting came out of Mary's mouth. She claimed that I was jealous of her. Darry couldn't have told her that because he doesn't know anything regarding it. Hector couldn't have done it because he has no reason to. That leads me with you. Did you tell Mary all my insecurities?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. You seriously think I would betray you?"
"So much has happened recently that I don't know what to think. If you didn't tell her then who did?"
Sage sighs. "I think I know who could have done it. Yesterday I was telling Nina what you thought of Mary because her name was brought up. I'd assume Nina told her."
My vision starts to get blurry. "Wow, thanks Sage. Thank you so much for breaking my trust."
"I didn't think Nina would tell Mary. You know me very well, Rachel. You know I would never intentionally hurt you on purpose!"
"Funny you say that because recently you've been demonstrating me the opposite."
"If you're talking about yesterday let me remind you that you were the one who ran off with no explanation. What did you expect us to do? Run after you? All we did was be blunt and if you can't handle the truth then don't ha-"
"Hang out with MY friends? The people I introduced YOU to? I'm sorry I'm a little snowflake. For once I thought I found my people. I thought I finally found a group of people who would love me for the way I am. But now I realize that it was just a dream I had in mind." I wipe my tears and walk away. And just like that my best friend is gone, again.

Mary's p/v
"Don't listen to those idiots, they literally dress in thrasher merch and call it fashion." Serenity says.
"I just can't comprehend how people can be so mean. Like I have never spoken to them in my entire life so why do they think they're entitled to express their opinions?"
"Just a bunch of losers who have nothing to do but shit on strangers."
"You got that ri-" I bump into someone. Well would you look who it is. I flip the top of my hair with my hand and look away. Rachel walks away.
"Is that the girl you were telling me about?"
"Mhm. What I would do to be in her outfit right now."
"Stop torturing yourself, Mary. You look adorable."
"Grandma adorable. I love the aesthetic, but not on me."
Serenity smiles. "Follow me. I have an extra top in the gym locker."
"Thank you so much dude, you're a lifesaver."
"I'm so glad we're friends, Mary."
I grin. "Me too."

Rachel's p/v
My morning obviously couldn't have been completed with an awkward encounter with Mary. Her outfit is so nice today, I wish we could change clothes. It's a little grown up for my taste, but my crewneck and blue mom jeans are just not cutting it.

Mary is wearing a white floral button down tucked into some dark wash blue mom jeans, black Brandy Melville belt, and red/brown docs. She also has a beige messenger bag but it was hanging on her shoulder. Her hair is tucked behind her ears, and her makeup was pretty simple. Like I said, my wild fable mom jeans aren't cutting it.

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