Got Caught

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Brooklyn's Pov

Well You think i'd be good at this crime thing you know committing them because I'm a Caffrey.

How is it that My brother Neal is good at committing these crimes but I'm not and were brother and sister.

I tried to steal a piece of Jewelry that was worth a lot of Money but then I got Caught.

My Brother will be disappointed if he finds out i got caught right away.


Being Questioned by Peter.

 "So you tried to steal a piece of Jewelry that was worth a lot of money" Peter asks

"Yes but it seems i failed and my Brother will be so disappointed in me"

"Your Brother is a Criminal too"

"Yes but I haven't seen him in a year"

"Who is he"

"I'd rather not say"

"Can I go now" I say again

"Sure" Peter says

I'm about to walk out of the place when I hear my Brother's voice.

"Brooke!" Neal says

"Neal!" I say Excited

I then run into my Brother's arms and give him a big hug.

"Neal I missed you so much" I say to my Brother

"I missed you too and Brooke"


"What did you do?"

"I got Caught trying to steal something"

"Wow your really bad at this"

"Shut up Neal"

He just laughs.

Peter then sees Neal with me.

"Neal! you know her" Peter says

"Brooklyn Caffrey, Neal's twin sister Nice to meet you" I say

"I never knew he had a sister"

"Well he never talks about me"

"Hey Neal!" I say to Neal

"Yeah" Neal says

"So I need a place to stay at and I was wondering if I could stay with you for a while"


"Awesome, I love you Neal"

"I love you too Brooke"


We get to his place.

"Wow This is where you live" I say 

"Brookie" Mozzie says

"Mozzie" I say excited

"How are you?"

"I'm great"

"I missed you" I say again

"I missed you too"

"Neal! Can me and Mozzie have some privacy"

"Yeah!" Neal says walking out of his place

"So tell me about your Childhood" Mozzie says

"Ok! Um Well I was never the favorite child and you can guess who was"


"Yup and He's everyone's favorite but Mom and dad never Loved me"

"Oh so Neal got all the Attention"

"Yeah and I hated it and I wanted to get rid him and so I tried but I never could because mom would know that Neal was gone and would've known that I had something to do with it"

"So you don't love Neal even though you told him you do"

"Ok yes I don't love him and I never will and I just told him i did because I wasn't gonna tell my Big Brother that I hate him when we haven't seen each other in a long time"

"So you got all excited when you heard him call your name and then you ran into his arms and gave him a big hug but that hug met nothing"

"Yes the hug met nothing and like i said i wasn't going to tell him that i hate him when this is the first time we have seen each other sense ya know"

"Ya i know so you should tell him"

"No I'm not gonna break Neal's heart well not yet"

"Come on Brooke tell him"

"No! I'm not gonna break my Brother's heart well again not yet and I'm gonna wait for the perfect moment"

"So you lied to me" Neal says

"Neal! I" He cut me off before i could finish what i was saying

"GET OUT!" Neal yells at me

I start to cry as I run out of his place.

Mozzie then comes running after me.

"Brooke" Mozzie says

"I hate Neal so much and I wish we were never brother and sister in the first place" I say crying

"I'm sure he didn't mean it"

"He did and I'm leaving New York and never coming back. I should've never come back here this was a mistake"

"He'll change I know it"

"That's what I thought but He's just the same old Neal that I remember when we were kids, He'll never CHANGE" I yell

"Well it was nice seeing you again"

"You too, Bye" 

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora