Chapter Forty Three - Drivel

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1. nonsense

At the end of lunch, Jackson helped me up from my chair and helped me put my bag on while pointedly looking at Liam as he did so. I wasn't sure if I understood what he was trying to non-verbally communicate, but I was certain the message wasn't for me anyway. Jackson then patted me on the head and left us for his next class.

"For what its worth, I'm sorry that this happened to you." Liam waved at my knee and crutches as we walked back through the quad and into the cafeteria.

"Thanks, I appreciate that. But you didn't do it and the guys who did have paid compensation, even if they don't get how they have irrevocably change my life forever."

"Yeah, I get that. I do." I stop when I hear the sadness in his voice and I turn to look at Liam in the face. His eyes are the greenest green I've ever seen. He has that muss hair look thing going on that looks carefree but probably took half an hour to get just right this morning, then I start imagining Liam having just come out of his shower, styling his hair in front of his bathroom mirror... I shake those thoughts out of my head.

"I don't need your pity. If I wanted it I'd be acting like those babydoll girls you love hanging around with so much."

"Liam, there you are!"

"Ooooh! Speak of the devil," I say wide eyed to him, just as one of the girls that likes to hang around my step sister comes bounding over. She ignored everyone else in an effort to get to Liam first and lay her claim by wrapping an arm around his.. When he pulled his arm out, she pouted. Pouted!

"I've been looking for you everywhere. Don't tell me you were with your cousin again?" This girl is pretty in a Megan Fox kinda way, back when she was going through her ombre hair colour phase.

"So what if I was?" his frustrated reply caused her pain and you could see it on her face as clear as day. "Sorry, I need to get going." He turns to me and asks if I will be OK on my way to class.

"I'll be fine. Thank you Mr Ferguson." He gives me a weird look, probably at the formal address, but I'm trying to avoid a babydoll catastrophe here. The sour look the girl gives me means I haven't quite escaped said catastrophe. I follow him out of the cafeteria to snarky comments behind me.

"Ooh, you're that girl who threw herself off the stairs in the mall, aren't you? What a joke, and you even have the guts to turn up here? If you were trying to commit suicide, at least find a taller building." My eyes widen at that last comment, now that is just nasty. I nearly stop and give her 'what for' but then realise that is exactly what she wants. Ignoring her seems to rile her up even further and she pulls on my bag while spouting louder nonsense to everyone around who can hear.

"I heard you got your new step sister into trouble, so nasty and mean. Already trying to take her place in the Overmeyer family. Who are you, even?" Her voice getting more nasal and screechier.

"I heard she held the Chalmers for ransom then called the police on them anyway." Some else said.

"What a bitch. Can't even take a practical joke."

"You know, I heard she broke her step sister's jewellery even before she'd moved into the mansion, then demanded they pay for her medical bills."

"What a gold digger."

Aaannd, there is all begins. This. This is why I don't want to stay at school any longer than I already haven to. Because, no matter what I say to deny or confirm the rumours being spread around about me, NO ONE will believe me. No a single word. Ayva has already laid her ground work here and these halls are her palace, and she is their saintly queen.

Imagine the prettiest little innocent girl, so caring for other, and generous to those around her. When bad things happen to her, she doesn't really complain, she seemingly soldiers through it all and then gently confirms things when other complain on her half, no matter what is said, if true or not. Then imagine her being the perfect image of every boy's dream girl or every girl's best friend. That right there is how everyone in this school sees Eyva Overmeyer.

And I can't change a thing about it while I'm in these buildings. But I am the adult now... Well, an adult in a child's body. It really is beneath me to rebut their stupidity, its like trying to argue with a herd of cats. As long as they don't actually physically mess with me or my schooling courses accreditation, I doesn't care what they say.

My afternoon classes include a study class, introduction to business studies, mathematics and art painting. I spent five minutes in the study hall that I was scheduled to use, but the noise was so loud that I couldn't hear my new assistant speaking over the phone.

"Ms Palmers, I think I have to move to a quieter locale and call you back. Give me a few minutes, please." She agrees and hangs up and I pack up my things again and head on out of the room. It took me a moment to decide where to go as, even though the school library is available, I wouldn't be able to use my phone in there during school hours.

The cafeteria is also out for the same reason, and I'm not supposed to be in there at this time any. But that little hidden courtyard in the quad are would be perfect.

The wooden throne chair is as we left it so I sit down again with my notebooks, laptop and phone ready for use. As I'm pulling things out of my, I find the small gift that Mum had given me this morning in the car. I carefully unwrapped it and found a limited edition Montblanc sterling silver rollerball pen.

"Oh my goddess!" I whisper scream. Now these pens might look like any other ball point pens if you don't know what you are looking at, but I do. Montblanc is like the Rolls-royce of fountain pens, and even though mum's gift isn't a fountain pen, but a rollerball, It. Is. Still. A. Friggin. Montblanc...

I quickly look it up online and realise that mum had paid over two grand for it. More than my whole outfit for the wedding. I mean, this thing needs its own insurance certificate, you know?

I quickly put it away and send mum a quick text. [Its beautiful. Thank you so very much, but you have to stop embarrassing me like that. Too expensive! Love you! <3]

She sent a text back with three more hearts. [<3 <3 <3]

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