Chapter Eighty Six - Phenomena

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1. a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question
2. a remarkable person or thing
3. the object of a person's perception

"No! You can't go in there, I have a project in there, no..." A voice stabbed through my nauseous dreams, blurring my awake and asleep reality. Something like tools were dropped on concrete, clanging through the garage, shaking me fully awake. I shook my head as a voice demanded someone stay back.

"We've been given permission to search these premises. If you obstruct our search, we will be forced to arrest you."

Police! I'm saved, I thought desperately.

"Help me. I'm in here." I cough, my voice raspy from dis-use. I swallow my dry throat and wonder how long I've been locked up.

"Over here, I heard something." Someone, a voice called out nearby. I decided to give up on the calling out loud and started banging on the inside of the wheelie bin, thump, thump, thumping my way to freedom. I was desperate, and started crying even before I was set free.

"I'm here." I rasped out again, thumping.

The lid flipped off the bin, banging the side with a bang.

"She's in here!" A police officer looked down in concern, then looked up again and yelled. "I've found her. She's in here!"

"One moment, miss. You're safe. I'm police Officer Middleman. Hang on a little while longer and we'll get another officer over to help you out of this bin." He smiled and I shivered, automatically shaking my head. His smile was too excited, like he was about to devour me.

"Its OK, miss." He turned to the side and spoke to another officer. "I think we need a female officer on hand. There is sign of abuse, possible sexual assault."

"I'm right here, you moron. I can hear everything you're saying." My voice was weak, but he still heard me all the same, and frowned down at me. "Yes, female officer, please." I changed my mind, I wanted to see him about as much as I wanted to see a shark, but I wanted out of this plastic cage even more.

"Hi, miss. I'm Officer Smythe. Can we give you a hand out of here?" A lady police officer popped her head over the opening. She reached down without waiting for my permission.

"Wait, wait." I rasped. "My knee had surgery on it a month back. Please be careful." I had been curled up on my legs for so long now that I actually couldn't feel anything below my aching waist.

Two sets of gloved hands reached in and lifted me up, handing me over to another set of gloved hands, I was laid out on a stretcher. I started crying, bawling, so I covered up my face as a blanket covered me.

On the way out of the suburban house, I saw no further sign of my kidnapper.

I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. When the doors opened at the other end, Wallace was there. He didn't even wait for the ambulance staff or paramedics to wheel me out. He just climbed up into the vehicle and scooped me up, turned around and rushed me into the emergency room.

I rung my arms around his neck and bawled into this shoulder.

"You're here now. Safe and sound. I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here." His voice timbre was so comforting it didn't take long for the crying to stop. When I pulled away from him, I gave him a stupid little smile as I hiccuped uncontrollably.

"Mum?" I rasped in concern. He turned to someone nearby and collected a cup of water. Medical staff worked around us as Wallace sat me down on his lap on a hospital bed and fed me a drink. A drip was injected into my hand, cold fluid trailing up my veins making me shiver. Blood pressure cuff strapped to my arm, hands assessing cuts and bruises. When someone started to pull my clothing off me, I panicked.

"No, no!" I moved away from them and closer to my step dad.

"Give me a moment and please wait until the sedative has set in before you do that again. She's been attacked and traumatised, do NOT upset her further." Wallace's dragon aura came out to play and for the first time in my life, it wrapped around me in comfort. Now I get why Jac-Jac never shrinks from this phenomena.

"You're mum is on her way. She's been watching over Jac-Jac. He's been missing you too."

"Grant?" I asked.

"Let's get you sorted before question and answer time, OK?" I nodded, but even as the sedative activated in my blood stream, I didn't let Wallace go. A sheet was laid over me, then I was wheeled to Xray where they removed my underwear and the step dad from my person. I was dressed into a hospital gown before Wallace arrived back and the whimpering stopped.

He walked with me as they wheeled me back to the emergency department and the droning of doctors and medical staff assessing my ailments.

"She had two cracked ribs, contusions on arms and legs, her feet also. Her shoulder required stitches and as did a cut on the back of her head. Bruising on her cheek and forehead will clear up and there will be no need for a rape test. She shows no typical signs of sexual assault."

"OK, thank you. Can we have a VIP arranged next to her step sister please?" Wallace asked.

"This has already been arranged." The doctor's voice drifted away as mum arrived.

"Wallace, how is she? Thank god she is safe." Mum's voice caused me to start crying again and I turned towards her voice. She pulled me carefully into a hug and I opened my eyes and gave her a face that said, I was over crying.

"I know, Honey, but at times like these, sometimes we can't help ourselves. I'm just so thankful that you are found and safe and sound." Mum's voice cracked a little.

"What about her knee?" Wallace asked.

"She will need to go for an MRI for this to be fully assessed, but it looks like damage to the healing cartilage will way lay healing of the original trauma to the tissue that way mended. I'm sorry, but she will probably need further surgery."

"OK, thank you. Has the MRI been scheduled?"

"Yes, and Dr Styles will be here shortly. He phoned in saying he was delayed on the motor way."

"Thank you. You've been very helpful." Wallace then dismissed the doctor by turning towards his wife and step daughter.

"She's pretty banged up, but apart from a few cracked ribs and more damage to her sore knee, she'll be OK."

"Oh, my baby girl. What an unforgetable beginning to your university life, aye?" I couldn't help a snorted laugh escaping at my mum's terrible humour.

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