Chapter 18: Invincible

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~19 Days Until The Prophecy~


When Fliss was younger, she remembered her dad bringing her out horse riding, back when she was full of love and fun. She had loved everything about it, the wind in her hair, the sound of hooves galloping across an empty meadow, she even loved the feeling of riding a horse. It made her feel infinite.

Maybe that was why she was enjoying riding on Jack's back so much.

He was fast, like the wind, and every now and then he'd let out a howl and she'd stroke behind his ears, which made him jump in the air with delight.

They were bounding through a wasteland of a place, puddles of mud everywhere, abandoned pieces of what could of been houses littering the ground. Usually, Fliss would have been anxious about riding through a place like this, but with Jack, she was invincible.

She squealed as he leaped over a particularly large puddle, splashing her converse as he landed with a squelch on the ground.

He barked as they approached the end of the wasteland swamp and onto a field full of daises and green grass.

"Is this where the river is?" she yelled over the noise of the wind.


"I'll take that as a yes." she laughed, as she snuggled into Jack's warm coat.


She frowned at the sound of Jack's howl. It sounded more high pitched and panicked.

"What's wrong boy?" she said as she squinted into the distance.

A low growl came from the werewolf.

"Is there something up ahead?"

Suddenly, Jack darted to the left as what looked like a Skia shot past her like a bullet.

"Shit! Skia up ahead!" she yelled as she clutched Jack's fur tighter.

"Faster boy! Faster!"

They sped up, Fliss keeping her eyes on the distance, an adrenaline pulsing through her, making her feel confident.

"Okay, here's the plan. I'm going to watch the sky for Skia, you just keep running Jack! Do you understand?" she yelled, ducking as a Skia whizzed over her head.


"That's it!" she laughed, patting his head.

She focused her eyes back on the darkening sky in front of her.

"Incoming!" she screamed as two Skia swirled towards them. She cursed as they split , one trying to attack them from the left, the other trying to attack them from the right.

"Jack, I need you to jump when I tell you, alright?" she ordered, her blood pumping in her ears.

He snorted and she held her breath as the Skia closed in on them.

"Come on....please do what I think you're going to do." she muttered under her breath.

They both took positions opposite each other, and then they rushed forward, aiming straight at her.

"JACK JUMP!" she screamed.

He jumped, making the Skia crash into each other and explode in a shadowy mess, making her roar triumphantly, pumping her fist in the air.

"Fuck yeah!" she cheered as Jack touched the ground, bounding forwards.


"Jack, we've got four more ahead!" she cried as more Skia started to appear.

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