Chapter 34: First Dates

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~6 Days Until The Prophecy~


To be perfectly honest, Fliss hadn't been on a date since her Prom, and that hadn't really counted because Des Owens had been forced to take her out (thanks to her mom), and he had spent the entire night dancing with Cyndi Davies, which was extremely embarrassing because that meant she had been left by the punch bowl the whole night.

Maybe that was why she was incredibly nervous as she looked at her pale reflection in her newly shattered mirror (God damn she was too clumsy for her own good). She wore a blue dress, sapphire blue to be exact, a skater dress just cut off above the knee that also had no sleeves. It clung around her shoulders, but looked fine, and not like a plastic bag (thank the Lord).

The blue of the dress contrasted nicely with her porcelain skin, and to her surprise, she had managed to curl her hair so that it fell in neat ringlets on her neck. It didn't even reach her shoulders it had gone that short. She completed the outfit with simple blue flats, deciding that heels are never a good idea for her. She would be sure to trip over every crack and bump in the path if she wore them.

She glanced at the clock.


Yes, she was ready for this. But for goodness sake, why was she so nervous? It was only Alex. Her and Alex always hung out together.

But he's never exactly asked you out on a date, has he, idiot?

She pushed the date word out of her head before she completely lost the plot. She was acting like a thirteen year old girl all over again. Alex was just a guy, after all.

When the doorbell rang, she nearly fell over.

She took on last quick look in the mirror, nodded confidently and walked to the door, swinging it open, only to find Alex leaning against the door-frame, wearing a nice buttoned down shirt and jeans, holding a rose.

"Jack told me that girls liked flowers." he mumbled as he thrust the rose into her hands.

"I don't really do sentimentality, but I figured that it would be polite." he added, sounding very uncomfortable.

She laughed and shook her head.

"Thanks I guess. I'm ready to go, just let me grab my cardigan." she said, running into the kitchen, setting the rose into an old pink vase, grabbing a white cardigan, and running back out to Alex, locking the door behind her.

He smiled and took her hand, and they started to walk down the corridor together.

"You look beautiful by the way. Not that you don't all the time." he said softly.

She blushed under the dim yellow lights of the corridor. God, she was acting like a freshman all over again. She needed to get a grip of herself.

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