Chapter 44: Revolutions

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"Alright people, listen up!" Fliss yelled loudly, running over to a collapsed building, and standing on a pile of rubble.

Demon Alex had disappeared from the scene, probably on the hunt for Immundus, and the whole army was a shambles, people crying, people screaming, sparks flying everywhere.

The other side had retreated, and it looked like both sides were collecting casualties and dead loved-ones-or in other words, taking a break.

The city was in ruins, and flames licked the ground while embers, dust and the smell of blood, was in the air.

People nearby her stopped and stood up straight, listening to her speech. Not many people paid her much attention, and she cleared her throat loudly.

About two extra people looked up from what they were doing.

"EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP!" yelled Twink fiercely, and suddenly it was as if somebody had put a soundproof blanket over the crowd.

"Right...." Fliss murmured under her breath, brushing her fringe out of her eyes, her heart sinking when she realised that her circlet was still firmly on her head.

"Thanks for that Twink." said, projecting her voice to the crowd once more. Twink nodded, and Fliss noticed her eyes were puffy and red, but she didn't mention it.

"So, if it isn't obvious, Alex has gone a little....psycho." she said, her voice awkward.

Someone snorted.

"Psycho? He's gone completely haywire!" someone yelled.

"He killed one of his friends!" another screeched.

"Two actually! I saw it with my own eyes!"

The crowd erupted into argument and controversy.

"Guys! Guys.....OKAY! EVERYONE SHUT UP!" screamed Fliss in frustration.

The crowd fell silent once more.

Fliss sighed and continued.

"I know Alex killed two of his friends. I know he's probably killed a lot of your friends, but we need to forget about Alex now. He's...he's gone, alright? And we need to take matters into her own hands...." she paused, looking at Twink.

Twink waved at her frantically, mouthing for her to continue.

Fliss sighed again.

"Look, you guys need to stop blaming Alex for all this destruction. Yes, he didn't tell most of you about his creepy and possessive side, and yes, I guess he's the world's biggest asshole because of that, but Jesus Christ, get over yourselves! We need to get our act together and remember who the real enemy is!" she said, her voice exasperated.

"I know I'm no leader, but I'm ready and I'm willing to lead you all." she said, finishing her speech.

"We can win this if we try."

Nobody said anything for while. Perhaps they didn't know how to respond to her weak speech, or maybe they were debating whether to kill her or not, but when Twink stepped up and swung her arm around her neck, Fliss felt relieved.

"Alright amigos, we've got a war to win! Who's with us? Who will join is in the final push?" asked Twink.

The crowd erupted into battle cries as the mythical creatures started to raise their weapons once more.

"That's what I thought!" Twink yelled, raising her knife.

Fliss smiled at Twink as she slid down from the rubble. She followed her down, and they started to prepare for the final push.

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