Chapter 37: Tick Tock

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~3 Days Until The Prophecy~


It was excruciating waiting for the Prophecy to arrive. It was in three days now, some unknown and invisible calendar being marked off in Hell somewhere. She couldn't escape it now. If she tried to run, fate would somehow bring her back, and she couldn't leave Alex to fight it by himself. They had become inseparable lately, but although they were always together, Fliss felt like they were drifting apart.

When she was painting, she would catch him staring at her. But his stare was always sad, like he was trying to memorise her every detail because he knew she was a goner, but he would never tell her. He had stopped showing her his strong affection towards her too, which broke her heart, but there was a silent understanding between them about it. She knew he was only doing it so that losing her would be easier, that if he kissed her, he would never let her go, so he just stopped. Yes, he would squeeze her hand in his when he could, and brush his lips over her cheek, but it was never enough.

The days were just going too fast, so she spent hours in the Battle Room with Alex, only finding comfort in sword fighting. Alex helped her improve when using the shadows in Battle, even attempting to teach her how to levitate (apparently flying took years of practice, much to her dismay).

And it didn't help that every night she struggled with nightmares that were always like glimpses of her horrible future. Sleep brought no comfort, but then one night Alex had heard her screaming, and had stayed with her.

They didn't sleep without each other now.

Those moments with Alex were the only other moments where Fliss felt like the world wasn't about to end, and peace was a constant that would stay with her forever. Call her naïve, if you must, but she couldn't care less. She was allowed to believe in silly things every once in a while.

It was incredibly depressing that this was the way things were, and she could sense that-not only Alex, but all her new friends-felt the same way.

Like lately, Fliss had noticed the way her friends would give her sympathetic smiles when she passed them, or Twink would always hug her while her eyes were red and puffy, like she had been crying, and Zack would try and talk to her more, and Rian would tell her old stories about the sixteen-hundreds, and Jack would snuggle into her when he was in wolf form, and even Rosaline would squeeze her arm and ask her how she was.

It was only when Alex asked her if she was alright when she broke down, the pain and stress of the Prophecy finally falling down on her like a tonne of bricks. Death bricks, would be a more precise and appropriate name to call them.

But Alex held her close, yet, he didn't say anything, for what was he supposed to say to her? He knew as well as she did that the odds of her surviving were slimmer than a child's pinkie finger. But he rocked her back and forth like kid while she cried bitter tears into his chest, his evergreen and sweet smelling chest.

If this was what Immundus wanted her to feel, then so be it.



Ready or not here I come....

Ready or not here I come....

Oh Alexander, I am getting stronger now that the Prophecy is coming, and you know it.

I'll put our dear old Felicity out of her misery quick and fast, I promise you.

Then we can take on that idiot Immundus together.

You and I, together forever.

Until the very end.

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