Chapter 35: A Dysfunctional Family Day Out

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~5 Days Until The Prophecy~


Time was running out for her.

She knew it was coming, like a canary knew when there was bad air in a mine, like an old person knew when their time was up, like a horse would know when the storm was about to break.

She knew her time was nearly out.

She had started writing down her memories, perhaps it was because it was very therapeutic for her-more therapeutic than painting ever could be at this time. She couldn't sleep, she couldn't eat, all she could do was write down her memories. Maybe it was because she didn't want to be forgotten.

Or maybe the memories were for Alex. Maybe they were for when she was dead and gone and all he would have left of her would be these memories that she was spilling from her green pen.


She couldn't bear to think of him at the moment.

Not when last night was still so fresh in her head.

The way he had held her, the way he had whispered secrets in her ear that only he and her would ever know.

She looked at the clock on her wall, slowly slicing away the seconds.

Tick Tock.

Tick Tock.

Don't think Fliss, just write.

For Alex, Fliss.

Do it for Alex.

She took a shaky breath and began to scribble down everything that she could remember from her early days, to the present, and what the future could have been.

For Alex.



"So who do we have on our side, Professor?"

"Not as many as I would like, I'm afraid Alexander. The angels are our strongest allies, and even they are starting to get weary of our strength and their choice of us as allies. I have gathered as many sorcerers as I can, and I fear that it still is not enough. I am to see the merpeople tonight, so perhaps they could help us."

Alex let his face fall into his hands.

"The merpeople? Professor, they are useless when it comes to battle on land. And most of the time, the mermaids try to entice me into their cosy little caves..."

"You can't help your sex appeal, my boy, but do not be so quick as to judge the merpeople's fighting skills. You think this Great Battle will only happen on land, hm? Well, you are sorely mistaken Alexander. The enemy shall be in the sky, on the ground, and in the water. We need allies in every corner and element we can find them in." said Professor Dwiggin, his voice firm and business-like.

That shut Alex up.

He nodded, defeated, and continued to flick through 'Advanced Battle Techniques For Life Or Death Situations: By Professor L. Zanzibar'.

"On the bright side, if there even still is one, the fairies have joined us. It appears that Quentin is unimpressed that Immundus has turned the pixies against them." said Professor Dwiggin, trying to remain light-hearted.

"So who's that now? The angels, the fairies, the good werewolves, a handful of sorcerers, maybe the merpeople, some good willed Necromancers, and us? Professor, we're doomed." groaned Alex.

Professor Dwiggin wagged a disapproving finger in his direction.

"Now, now Alexander. If you dive into this negatively, you are sure to lose your head." he huffed.

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