Chapter 14: The Curse

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~21 Days Until The Prophecy~


He couldn't concentrate on reading his Necromancy book with Felicity in the room with him, her raven hair cascading down her shoulders, a paintbrush in her hand and the smell of paint in the air.


It had been stupid to invite her to his apartment while he was studying his Necromancer techniques.


He sighed deeply as he flicked the page and stared down at the diagrams of how to make shadows morph into shadow horses. He started to read.

Step One: Flick your wrist up and to the right, making sure that movements are sharp/crisp.

Step Two: Make sure to concentrate on what you want the shadows to do, but do not over think about it, or else it will not work.

Step Three: If successful in creating your shadow horse, test the horse by giving it a simple command eg. "Walk to the right!"

Alex took a deep breath as he flicked his hand up and to the right, his mind focused on the shadows appearing before him. He was briefly aware of Felicity watching him silently over her canvas.

Don't lose focus.

He pinched his eyes shut and tried to erase Felicity out of his mind.

Think of the horses.

Think of the horses.

He opened his eyes when he heard a gasp from Felicity.

"Holy smoke." she whispered as she dropped her paintbrush and stared at the shimmering black horse in in front of her.

Alex smiled, impressed at himself for succeeding on the first try.

"It's a shadow horse, used in battles most of the time. They can startle enemies and also knock them over, if they aren't vaporised first." he said as he stood up, starting to circle the horse.

"It's a good distraction in battle, but you wouldn't really rely on them to save lives."

The horse snorted as he approached, tossing its shadowy mane.

"She's beautiful." Felicity whispered as she stood up, her eyes as wide as saucers.

Alex chuckled at her amusement.

"I just hope she works." he murmured as he examined the horse.

"Neigh." he ordered.

The horse neighed loudly, making Felicity clap her hands in delight.

"I am trying so hard not to be impressed right now." she laughed as she rested her head against his arm, sending shivers down his spine.

"Just let it roll, Felicity." he said, smirking.

" know, we never did get to finish what we started in my apartment." she said heavily, her hand creeping up to his neck.

"Well, you were the one who stopped it." he said, slipping his hand onto the familiar curve of her waist.

She smiled up at him, her cherry lips slightly parted.

"What if I said that I'm sorry I did?" she asked, maybe a little seductively.

He chuckled.

"Then I'm afraid that I'm going to have to finish it here."

He shut his eyes and placed her lips against hers.


It shot through him and he felt her gasp at the pain too.

Then the room shifted and he saw a vision flashing into his mind.

"Master, I have done it. I have placed the curse on Alexander and the mortal girl." said a girl with purple hair and bright green wings fluttering behind her back.

Immundus smiled, his sharp jagged teeth showing.

"And what would that curse be, exactly?" he asked, his voice unimpressed.

The girl's wings beat nervously behind her back.

"It appears that Alexander and Felicity have rather....strong feelings towards each other. The curse I have placed upon them has forbidden them to even touch each other. If they even brush hands, an electric charge will occur between them. Alexander will not be harmed, he will only feel the pain. The mortal on the other hand....well, let's just say that if she hugs him, she will be fried to a crisp."

Immundus nodded, his face expressionless.

"Good. Maybe he will kill her for us."

Silence fell between the two, but is was clear that the pixie wanted to say something.

"M-Master, there are rumours that Alexander's dark side is getting stronger." she said quickly, the words pouring out of her tiny mouth before she could stop them.

"And are you doubting that we cannot defeat him? He is only one man, Ariella, we have hundreds on our side."

The pixie winched.

"I am not doubting you, Master. I am just saying--"

"Maybe it is best that you don't say anything at all."

She fell silent.

"Yes Matser."

She bowed and started to walk away, but Immundus called after her.

"Ariella, any news on the Angels?" he asked, his voice echoing across the cave.

Ariella froze.

"The Angels have sided with Alexander. Professor Dwiggin unfortunately, got there before us."

Immundus cursed.

"Of course. Will you tell Skye that I will be having a word with her?"

Ariella felt a tear fall down her cheek as she started to fear for her pixie friend.

"Yes Master." she whispered, and then she flew off, wings batting behind her.

Alex gasped as the vision ended and felt his lips.

They still tingled from where Felicity's had touched them.

He looked up worriedly and found her staring at him, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Did you see it too?" she asked, her lips trembling.

He nodded, a lump in his throat.

"Oh my God." she said quietly, a single tear dripping down her face, just like Ariella.

"Oh my God."

She sank to the ground, wrapping her arms around herself, probably looking for the comfort that Alex couldn't give.

Not without electrocuting her to death.

He wanted to kill Immundus. Fire raged from within him.

Fuck him for doing this.

Fuck him for stopping them when they had been so close to revealing their feelings for each other.

He stared at Felicity who was now crying into her knees on the ground.

Jesus, all he wanted to do was reach out and touch her, to tell her that everything was alright.

But everything wasn't alright, so he didn't bother lying to her.

Instead, he watched Felicity fall apart on the ground and tried very hard not lose it as he watched her cry silent tears.

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