Chapter 5: The Truth Behind The Shadows

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The secret room was a lot warmer than she had expected it to be. Usually in the witchcraft movies she had seen, secret rooms looked like cells.

But this secret room was cosy, books littered the entire room, a fire was crackling, a fat cat was purring in an old armchair, and an old man was sitting at a desk eating a bar of chocolate.

"Professor Dwiggin I--" started Alex, but the man held up a hand to silence him.

He finished chewing the chocolate, looked up, and sighed.

"What did I tell you about Miss Potts, Alex? You do know you have just broken one of the most important rules in the Necromancy Law." the old man sighed.

"Professor, this is important. Miss Potts--I mean Felicity--she's been having dreams about Immundus." said Alex hastily.

A cold wind started to fill the room at the mention of the name Immundus, and Fliss felt herself shiver.

"Who's Immundus?" she demanded, sending Alex an anxious look.

"Is he the guy in the red cloak?"

Professor Dwiggin and Alex shared a nervous look before turning back to face her. She folded her arms self-conciously over her chest.

"Well, is he?" she asked, getting impatient.

"As far as I know, Miss Potts, the answer is yes." said the Professor, his purple eyes staring closely at her.

She took a deep breath.

"Uhmm...Professor Dwiggin, isn't it? Well, sir, I've been having....bad dreams about this Immundus guy, and I'm actaully not sure if these dreams are real or not." she said quietly.

She sent Alex a nervous look, but he was fidgeting with a skull ring on his middle finger.

"Sir, if this Immundus man....if he's real," she paused,

"It means that he is out to kill Alex, and apparently, if anybody stands in his way, he's going to kill them." she finished.

Professor Dwiggin bowed his head and started to fiddle with his short beard.

"So the prophecy is happening." he said darkly, standing up and walking over towards a large bookshelf.

"Professor, I suggest we try to explore Felicity's dreams. If they really are visions, we could figure out a way to defeat the prophecy." said Alex suddenly, seeming to snap out of his worried thoughts.

Fliss nodded.

"I'm cool with it. If it eh....saves your life, it's the least I could do." she said awkwardly, sending him a small smile. He didn't return it. Instead he turned away, which made her feel annoyed and upset.

"Your help is accepted graciously, Miss Potts, and I must say, I do believe that you are every bit as beautiful as Alexander has described you to be--"

"Professor! Now is not the time for that nonsense." growled Alex.

He chuckled.

"Now, Now, Alexander, don't be a coward just because Miss Potts--"

"You can call me Fliss if you like." she piped up, sending Alex a smug look. He scowled and stuffed his hands into his jacket pocket.

He opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by Professor Dwiggin cheering as he pulled out a small book with about fifty bookmarks sticking out of it.

"I'll have to organise these books some let's see....dream shadows....yes....perfect." he looked up and beamed at her.

"Right, so we're going to do a little bit of, what would you mortals call it? Dream jumping. Which in short, means that we are going to dive into your dreams, if that's okay with you." he said, sending her an assuring look.

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