Chapter 1: The Coin

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When she had to chase her bus down the street in the pouring rain because she had overslept, Fliss knew that this was going to be another one of them weeks.

Stupid Jack.

Stupid Jack with his loud music that blared into her apartment until three o'clock in the fucking morning.

She'd only got two hours sleep last night.

Maybe that was why she had overslept and why she was standing in the pouring rain, the water soaking through her black converse, her raven black hair starting to stick to her face, her bus approximately ten minutes down the road without her in it.

She was going to be late for work again.

Cursing Jack for the tenth time this morning, she started to trudge down the street, nothing but the thoughts of how she was going to explain to her boss as to why she was late flooding her mind.

She was going to get fired from Starbucks. This was the fifth time in the space of two weeks that she was going to be late.

Stupid Jack.

Honestly, she was going to literally strangle that man someday.

She sighed as she turned on to Thames Street, the rain starting to get heavier. It was going to be about another ten minutes before she reached her destinantion. She brushed her soaking wet black hair from her face.

Then she felt it.

The weird feeling.

She shivered and looked over her shoulder, but as usual, there was nobody there.

She had started to get these feelings ever since she was born. The feeling of someone watching her all the time. It would always come and go, never staying fror more than a couple of seconds, but it always came back.

The feeling was hard to explain. Sometimes, it felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water over her, other times, it felt like somebody had set her on fire.

But when she turned around, there was nothing there, and the feeling stopped.

She had refused therapy. No way was she going to be sent away to the nut house. She had too much to live for.

So every time the feeling appeared and disappeared, Fliss brushed it off.

She was approaching the shortcut lane to Starbucks now, and everything from her black jacket to her black skinny jeans was saturated. She shivered as the cold creeped through her bones.

And she was so busy wallowing in her own self pity that she nearly didn't see him.

She sucked in her breath as she noticed a tall man leaning against the graffitied wall of the lane. He wore all black (but he didn't look like he worked at Starbucks), the only colour on him was a gold coin he was flipping in his hand. His hood was up, covering his face, and immediately Fliss felt nervous.

He was a mugger.


The minute she walked through the lane he would jump her, steal all her money, and leave her to die.

But for some reason Fliss felt herself walking forward anyway.

Fuck him.

She was not in the mood to be scared by a gangster.

She started to walk quickly through the lane, her eyes trained directly on the exit, trying deperately to ignore the man.

But then she felt the feeling wash over her as she approached him, and this time, it felt stronger.

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