Chapter 43: S.O.S

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She couldn't think logically, she couldn't see anybody that she knew. All that she could think was fight. It was either kill or be killed in this situation, and she had lost count of all the heads she had severed from their bodies.

Alex was nowhere in sight, and she was alone. But what did it matter? He could look after himself, and she was managing just fine (apart from the nasty cut in her arm from that God damned pixie). She screamed a battle cry as she brought her sword down on a vampire, who hissed as she set a beam of light at it straight after.

It vaporised into the air, and she brushed her fringe from her sweaty forehead.

"Fliss! Help!" cried a familiar voice from the distance.

Fliss turned her head and saw Twink, battling it out with about three pxies who were shooting sparks at her. Fliss scowled and shot a beam of light at one of them, setting their wings on fire.

She screamed in pain and the other two fled the scene. Twink nodded a thanks to her and then scampered off into the heart of the battle.

Fliss took a breather, but was soon interrupted by a sorcerer, who sent green sparks at her chest, but thanks to her armour, it bounced off.

She lifted her sword and started to battle it out with a sorceress who looked to be only a teenager. She was fierce, taunting her every opportunity she could get.

"Ooooh come on little Necromancer! Use your shadows!" she laughed as she sent sparks flying at her.

"A sword is no match against me!" she sang.

Fliss screamed in frustration and tried to use her shadows, but she couldn't concentrate, it seemed that her attempts were fruitless.

"You are so boring! I may have to kill you early-"

Suddenly the tip of a sword poked out of the sorcerer's stomach and she gasped as she looked down at it.

"Looks like I'm not the one dying first." Fliss mumbled as the tip of the sword retracted and the sorceress was kicked to the ground, revealing Alex, standing behind her.

He was looking down at the now dead sorcerer, his jaw clenched, a hard look about his face.

"Karma's a bitch." he said bitterly, and he looked up at her.

"Are you okay?" he asked and she nodded, wiping the sweat from her brow.

At that moment a crowd of half a dozen shape-shifters charged towards them in human form.

"Jesus these little shits always change their fucking shape every time I fight them." he grumbled, running a hand through his matted hair.

"Need a hand?" she asked.

He smiled.

"That would be nice." he said, and he sent a ribbon of shadows at the shape-shifters' feet, knocking them over.

"Idiots." he scoffed as they surged forward, both in sync, and brought their swords down on the idiotic shape-shifters.

One of them were smart though, and shifted into a large cobra snake, that aimed its attack at her already injured arm, but Alex sliced through it.

"No you don't!" he yelled triumphantly.

She could have kissed him right there on the spot.

"Ha ha! That's what you get when-"

Fliss screamed as a blur of red and black barreled into Alex, sending him flying backwards and crashing into the ruins of a building's brick wall.

"Alex no!" she cried, but then something attacked her from behind, and she had to tear her gaze away from him to return to her fight.

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