Chapter 9: The Clock Is Ticking

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When she arrived outside a house with a purple door and a number seven plate hanging beside it, she nearly cried with relief.

Alex was heavy, and her arms felt like they were going to fall off from carrying him all the way to this small house that supposedly belonged to a guy named Zack.

Maybe that was why she felt weary when a pretty girl with doe eyes and light turquoise hair answered the door to her.

"You're not Zack." Fliss said bluntly.

Not a good start.

The girl narrowed her enchanting eyes at her.

"And you're not a Necromancer." she said evenly. Then she spotted Alex, who was propped against the porch, still unconscious.

The turquoise haired girl widened her eyes at the sight of him.

She snapped her fingers and aimed a pink flame at Fliss' heart.

"Who are you and what have you done to him? Are you some sort of Shape Shifter? Are you a dark soul who has possessed a mortal?" she demanded.

"Twink? What's going on?" asked a man as he opened the door a little wider.

He was tall, and strongly built, his hair in a perfect quiff on top of his head.

"Who are you?" he asked curiously, giving Fliss an odd look.

"I-I'm...." she trailed off and blinked back tears that had swelled up in her eyes.

"Can you please fix him?" she sniffed, pointing at Alex.

"Please. I don't know what to do. We were on our way to your house because the Skia were after us, but then we were attacked and suddenly Alex wasn't Alex anymore and he was...he was a monster, and then he was trying to fight against himself and I...." she trailed off again, unable to continue.

The man's eyes softened and the girl extinguished her pink flame.

"You've been through alot." the man said softly, stepping aside and waving her in.

"Please do come in. Twink, would you go make our guest a cup of hot chocolate?" he asked smoothly as Fliss stepped in.

Twink gave her a funny look.

"Who are you? And why were you with Alex in the first place?" she asked rudely.

The man (who Fliss assumed to be Zack) clicked his tongue impatiently.

"Leave her alone, little sister. I'm sure she'll explain everything once she has calmed down.

The girl puffed out her cheeks.

"Fine." she grumbled and she turned on her heels.

Fliss felt her shouders sink as a sudden feeling of exhaustion washed over her.

Zack must have noticed, because he gave her a warm smile.

"It was brave of you to bring him to me. You could have been attacked, yet you still came." he said softly.

She smiled weakly and tapped her coin.

"Well, I did have this little gizmo to keep me safe."

He raised an eyebrow at the coin.

"Professor Dwiggin's protection coins, eh? You must be special if he gave a dangerous weapon like that to a mortal." he whistled.

She nodded, her head dizzy.

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