Chapter 49: I'm Guilty But I'm Safe For One More Day

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"NO!" she screamed, blasting the axe from the executioner's hands and leaping in front of Alex, full of vexation. She clenched her jaw and raised her backup sword, ready to take anyone on.

"Felicity, what are you doing?" hissed Alex from behind her as he turned his head to face her.

She shook her head.

"I am not letting you get executed for crimes you didn't commit." she said roughly, keeping her eyes trained on the shocked executioner.

"Felicity, please just go away. You're making this harder than it really needs to be." he said tiredly, but she rolled her eyes and ignored him.

She clenched her jaw as all eyes fell on her. She straightened her back and shoved Alex roughly behind her-much to his dismay.

"Felicity don't--" he started, but she sent him a dark look and he shut up.

She locked her cold gaze on the judge

"Alex didn't kill all the people that you speak of. It was the demon inside of him that killed them." she said loudly, her voice confident.

The judge snorted.

"And I suppose you have proof of this evidence?" he sneered.

Fliss swallowed.

"Felicity please....just sit back down." Alex whispered pleadingly in her ear from behind. His hand rested gently on her waist as he let his chin lay on her shoulder.

"I don't want you to go down with me." he murmured.

The judge coughed loudly, his beady eyes staring down judgmentally at them.

"Would I be correct in saying, Miss Potts, that the only reason you want me to spare Alexander from his fate, is because you have rather...." his lips curved into a cruel smile.

"...sentimental feelings towards him?"

The court erupted into--half laughter, and half outrage. She felt her face flush and she fell back into Alex, who locked his arms around her waist as they listened to the conflict around them

"This is atrocious! Alexander must be executed for his crimes!"

"Kill him! And kill her too! She is corresponding with the demon that damned us all!"

"Justice needs to be served! The Other World is not safe with Alexander around!"

"ENOUGH!" roared the judge, slamming his gavel down on the table so much that the force of the impact caused the gavel to snap in half.

He cursed and threw the splintered pieces of wood away as order was restored in the court.

"Given the circumstances--" he started, but immediately stopped as a hand was raised into the air, and the one and only Rian Dawson stepped out from the jury

"Excuse me, your Honour, but I have a compromise that might work for Alexander and the people of the Other World." he said calmly, making his way to the centre of the court.

"Rian Dawson, Necromancer of Baltimore, son of Lucas Dawson, the famous knight. Born in the fifteen-hundreds, and is famous for your betrayal in two wars to date." said the judge coolly. Rian flashed him a dazzling smile and Fliss was impressed at how white his teeth were.

He raised both of his hands in the air in a mock surrender.

"Guilty as charged, which means I'm a criminal too, your Honour. Just like Alexander over here." said Rian breezily.

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