Chapter 8: The Dark Side Of You Is What Scares Me The Most

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He could feel himself starting to fade away.

His power was growing at an alarming rate, the fact that tonight was a full moon wasn't helping either.

And worst of all, Felicity was with him, trailing behind slightly, her footsteps light, only her shadow to be seen from where he was walking.

He gasped as he felt something dark jolt from within him.

Let me out.

I can protect you both.

Let me out.....


It was cold.

She hated being out at night, it gave her the creeps.

And she especially hated being out at night now that she knew that someone was trying to kill her.

She was falling behind. Alex was such a fast walker, and he wasn't even breaking a sweat. She, on the other hand, was trying to keep up without freezing to death, although, his jacket was warm and cosy on her.

It still didn't stop the cold feeling seeping into her bones.

"Where are we going?" she said loudly as they turned a sharp corner.

"To a house." he dead panned, making her scowl.

"Could you be maybe a little less vauge?" she asked.

He whipped around and sent her a death glare.

"Now is not a good time to be getting on my bad side, Felicity." he hissed, but there was a subtle hint of fear in his eyes.

She felt herself shrink back, and when he noticed this, he sighed.

"Just try to keep up." he mumbled, and then he was off again.

She jogged after him, trying to fall into step beside him.

A million questions swirled through her mind as they walked on in silence.

What was keeping him so on edge?

And why was he worried about her getting on his bad side?

She was so lost in thought that she nearly tripped over a black cat that was curled up on the side of the path.

She gasped as she tripped over the furry animal, making it meow and whine at the contact of her shoe against its head.

"Oh my God!" she squealed as she stared at the cat.

"What's wrong?" asked Alex quickly, turning around and noticing her on the ground.

"'s okay kitty." she cooed as she stroked the cat's black coat. It purred and licked her wrist.

Suddenly, Alex was pulling her roughly away from the cat.

"Don't touch it!" he roared, tossing her aside.

"Alex what--"

"It's not a cat." he breathed as he stepped in front of her, shielding her from the cat.

"Shape shifters! Fuck! How could I have been so blind?" he snarled as the cat started to hiss at him.

Fliss stared in horror as the cat started to turn into a person, as the lamp post started to turn into an evil looking creature, as suddnely all the objects around them started to shift and change taking forms of all sorts of horrors.

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