Chapter 41: The Beginning Of The End

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~The Day Of The Prophecy~


When she woke up, Alex was beside her, which would usually warm her heart, and she would spend hours watching him sleep, but today was different, and the usual warm feeling was replaced with a heart wrenching, gut twisting and stomach churning pain. She rolled out of the bed quickly, and ran her fingers through her tangled hair, taking a shaky breath before scribbling a note to Alex, explaining that she had gone out to clear her head.

She pulled on a jacket, scrubbed her teeth hastily in the bathroom and left quietly, nearly running out of the apartment and into the fresh Decemeber air with it's blue sky, but seemingly choking atmosphere. The clouds felt like they were closing in on her, but she walked, determined to say goodbye to life as she knew it.

She started with Starbucks, seeing as it was a place that resembled normaility, and how her life could have been, if she had not stumbled into Alex on that fateful day in the rain. She considered going in to say goodbye to Eliza, but decided against it, as she remembered that Eliza would have no idea who she was due to Alex's charm on her. She ended up walking miserably away, her head hung low.

Instead, she headed to the place where she sold her first painting. It was on the corner of a street she couldn't quite remember the name of, and when she reached the small little corner, she couldn't even bear to look at it. It was too much, really, she didn't even know why she bothered taking a walk, as every location she went to only brought her immense pain.

In the end, she ended up heading to the beach, which was empty, as it was a Friday morning, and many mortals were probably at work. For a moment Fliss felt envious of the mortals who didn't have a Prophecy to worry about. They just had to get into their stupid cars and worry about their stupid jobs and their stupid petty mortal problems while she was sweating it out on the beach.

She hated everything right now.

She hated everything so much that it hurt.

"You shouldn't be out alone you know."

She didn't smile.

"How did you find me?" she murmured, not lifting her eyes off a huge clump of seaweed lying at the tip of her left shoe.

"I just followed the trail of utter depression and I found you."

She couldn't even laugh.

"Alex, I appreciate you coming to find me, but I'm really-"

"Not in the mood, I understand that, but can you be grouchy indoors? Preferably somewhere where I can keep an eye on you?"

A ghost of a smile graced her face.

"The Prophecy has got to you too then, huh?"

He sighed deeply.

"More than you will never know. Please just come home." he said tiredly. He held out his hand in front of her face.

"If it makes you happy." she said with a shrug. taking his hand.

"Can we walk though? I need the air." she added quickly.

He chuckled, but it sounded nearly forced.

God everything was so out of touch today....

"Sure." he said, and so they walked home, holding hands, but Fliss felt as if they were both walking on their own.



He felt incredibly distant as he sat in the secret room and flicked through his favourite spell book, one last time.

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