Chapter 16: Love Hurts

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~20 Days Until The Prophecy~





Of course Alex hadn't really liked her.

She had just been his 21st century hook up.

Fuck it.

She bit her lip as as she fumbled in her jeans for her keys.

It wasn't like she and Alex had been dating anyways. He could kiss whoever he wanted to kiss.

It didn't bother her.

She cursed as she dropped her keys.




She grabbed them off the ground and shoved them into the lock, twisting them until she heard the familiar click of the door unlocking. She marched in, blowing her fringe out of her eyes, trying very hard not to be upset by the fact that Alex had already moved on.

"Jesus Felicity, I knew you were good, but I didn't know that you were this good."

She gasped as she saw the one person in the entire world that she didn't want to see right now, standing in the centre of her living room, examining her painting.

He turned to face her, his eyes anxious.

"Hi." he said, flashing a nervous grin at her.

She threw a paint tin at him.


He flicked his wrist and intercepted the flying tin with a dark shadow.

He sighed.

"I guess I kind of deserved that." he murmured.

She shook her head in utter disbelief.

"Honestly...I know what? I'm not mad. I'm not mad." she said, walking over to her easel and placing the remaining tins on her table, her movements calm.

It sounded like she was trying to assure herself more than him.

"It's okay if you are." Alex said as he scratched the back of his neck.

She exhaled loudly.

"Look, I'm not mad, alright? It's not like me and you were like...something, you know?" she said, placing a hand on her hip and giving him a look.


"I don't want to talk about it." she snapped, snatching the painting off her easel and tucking it neatly away underneath it.

As she placed a blank canvas onto her easel, she tried to ignore the look of bewilderment on his face.

Suddenly, he grabbed her wrist, making her cry out as a shot of electricity literally pulsed through her arm.

"Ow!" she yelled, recoiling from him.

"Shit." Alex grumbled as he shook his arm.

"Forgot about that."

She laughed weakly.

"You think?"

"Rosaline." he said suddenly, making her frown.


"Her name is Rosaline. She's an Angel of the East and we hooked up a long time ago. She...she wanted to marry me, but I said no. Today was the first time I've seen her in two hundred years."

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