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"Mommy, how long is it gonna be until we get there?"

"It's only a few minutes Jack, I promise."

"My feet are tiiiiired."

"I don't hear your sister complaining." Alex piped up as he poked Jack in the ribs.

"But she's on your shoulders! How come I have to walk?" huffed Jack as he gave his dad a pout.

Little Rosie stuck her tongue out at Jack and Jack gave his mom an exasperated look.


"Ah, give it a rest Jacko." said Felicity as she squeezed his little hand in hers. She ruffled the brown chunks of hair on his little head, and he giggled and ran ahead.

"Daddy, I wanna run with Jack!" whined Rosie as she poked the side of Alex's head. He chuckled and lifted her down, and she scampered after her brother, leaving Alex and Fliss alone.

Upon their children leaving them, Alex put an arm around Felicity's waist and kissed her neck softly as they walked together.

"They grow up fast, don't they?" he sighed as they watched Rosie catch up to Jack.

Fliss smiled and stared at her children. It was incredibly fascinating that Jack looked so much like his father, and not like the Jack that he was named after.

Yet, Fliss always felt like he acted so much like Jack. It made her feel happy.

"Yeah, they grow up fast." she said wistfully, snuggling closer to Alex.

Alex smiled, and Fliss was struck with the fact that-after all these years-Alex's smile still gave her butterflies, and the feeling of a million tiny lights twinkling inside her.

"You're beautiful. Have I ever told you that?" he said as he looked at her again.

She rolled her eyes playfully.

"You told me last night, before we went to bed."

He chuckled and plucked the picnic basket from her hands, proceeding to take a peek inside of it.

"Hey! No eating the food until we get to the beach!" she laughed as she tried to swipe the basket back off him.

He held it up high, dangling it teasingly above her head as he took a large bite out of a cookie.

"Alex Gaskarth, you are the biggest bully of a husband ever!" she complained as she gave him an annoyed look.

He chuckled and stuffed the rest of the cookie into her mouth, throwing the picnic basket to her.

"Last one to the beach is a rotten egg!" he yelled loudly, as he sprinted after the kids who were giggling and screaming as their dad chased them down the hill towards the beach.

"Alexander Gaskarth, you get back here this instant!" she yelled, but he simply just turned his head and stuck out his tongue at her, (now she knew where Rosie got that habit from), which made the kids squeal with laughter as their dad caught up with them and scooped them up in his arms.

Fliss laughed to herself and ran after them, eventually catching up, and they arrived at the beach together.

They spent the day there, as it was a sunny and warm day. Jack and Alex built a sandcastle, while Rosie and Fliss collected sea shells.

The picnic was great, and Fliss was proud of all the food she had made (since she was quite a disaster in the kitchen). Alex scoffed most of the cookies, which made the kids jump on him and call him fat (which made her laugh too ).

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